五月八日 为天国作准备
Preparation for Heaven, May 8
For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it? 1 Corinthians 4:7. {TDG 137.1}
主为了使人得以享有与上帝生命相等的生命,就打破他属世野心的种种企图,因为他如果全神贯注在这些企图上,就不配进入那未来的世界了。{TDG 137.1}
It is that man may obtain the life that measures with the life of God that the Lord breaks up his worldly ambitious projects, which, if permitted to engross the mind, would unfit him for the future world. {TDG 137.2}
上帝正在试验我们每一个人。祂将才干付托我们,要看看我们是不是完全毫不自私地运用这些才干。祂坦率地告诉我们:“人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心”(路16:10)。“倘若你们在别人的东西上不忠心,谁还把你们自己的东西给你们呢”(路16:12)?{TDG 137.2}
God is testing every one of us. He entrusts us with talents, to see whether we will be thoroughly unselfish in the use we make of them. He tells us plainly, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10). “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?” (verse 12). {TDG 137.3}
但愿我们要记住:我们都要根据基督之国的法律受审判。我们并不是属于自己的人,可以自己随意而行。我们是曾经用重价买来的,基督之国的律法,就是那十条圣善的诫命,提供给我们所要达到的标准。上帝十分顾全维护祂的津法。祂考验每一个人,要看看他到底肯不肯遵守。{TDG 137.3}
Let us remember that we are to be tried by the laws of Christ’s kingdom. We are not our own to do with ourselves as we please. We have been bought with a price, and the laws of Christ’s kingdom, the ten holy precepts, present the standard that we are to reach. God is jealous of His law. He tests every man, to see whether he will obey or not. {TDG 137.4}
人既犯了罪,罪的工价就是死。基督承当了这种刑罚,使人得到一段宽容时期。我们现在正是生存在这段宽容的时期中。我们已经得蒙赐予机会,要在那位赐下祂独生子,叫我们不至灭亡反得永生的主眼中,证实我们自己的价值。{TDG 137.4}
Man sinned, and death is the penalty of sin. Christ bore the penalty, and secured for man a period of probation. In this time of probation we are now living. We have been given an opportunity to prove ourselves of value in the sight of Him who gave His only begotten Son that we should not perish, but have everlasting life. {TDG 137.5}
我们只有一位主人,那就是基督。我们要记得:我们乃是祂用宝血所买来的产业。上帝的旨意要成为我们的意愿。身、心、灵的种种恩赐,都已经赋予我们。上帝的旨意已经在圣经中明白地宣示了。上帝期望每一个人要善用他自己的恩赐,这样他就必获得更多有关上帝之事的知识,也必使他能够得到改进,成为越来越文雅、高尚、和纯洁的。{TDG 137.5}
One is our Master, even Christ. We are to remember that we are His blood-bought heritage. God’s will is to become our will. Physical, mental, and spiritual gifts have been placed in our possession. In the Bible, God’s will is plainly made known. God expects every man to use his gifts in a way that will give him an increased knowledge of the things of God, and will enable him to make improvement, to become more and more refined, ennobled, and purified. {TDG 137.6}
男男女女都要在这个世界上自己准备妥当,好取得地位参加天上贵族的行列。他们要在今世作好准备,得以变化升入天庭之中。凡按照圣经的指示去从事这种工作的人,靠赖基督的恩典,都必成为一切定要从门经过进入那城之人的模范。(《信函》1903年80号,5月8日,致凯洛格医生) {TDG 137.6}
In this world men and women are to fit themselves to take their place among the nobility of heaven. In this world they are to prepare for translation into the courts above. Those who take up this work as the Bible directs, will, through the grace of Christ, become examples of what all must be who enter in through the gates into the city.—Letter 80, May 8, 1903, to Dr. J. H. Kellogg. {TDG 137.7}
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