五月十日 向上帝而活
Being Alive Unto God, May 10
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:32, 33. {TDG 139.1}
情形怎么样呢?我们是在自己的日常生活上承认基督吗?我们是不是在服装上承认祂,穿着普通朴素的衣服?我们是用那在上帝看来极其贵重的温柔安静的心灵作为妆饰吗?我们是不是在力求推进主的圣工?你和世俗之间的分界线是十分清楚呢,或是你正在力求追随这败坏时代的风尚,你与世俗的人并没有什么分别吗?那在悖逆之子心中运行的同样精神,也在你的心中运行着吗?{TDG 139.1}
How is it? Are we confessing Christ in our daily life? Do we confess Him in our dress, adorning ourselves with plain and modest apparel? Is our adorning that of the meek and quiet spirit which is of so great price in the sight of God? Are we seeking to advance the cause of the Master? Is the line of demarcation between you and the world distinct, or are you seeking to follow the fashions of this degenerate age? Is there no difference between you and the worldling? Does the same spirit work in you that works in the children of disobedience? {TDG 139.2}
我们如果真是基督徒,就应当跟从基督,即使我们所要行走的路径与自己原来的意愿倾向正好相反,也应当这样。告诉你一定不可以穿这戴那,乃是没有什么用处的,因为你心里如果仍旧贪爱这些虚荣的东西,那么,你暂时放下这些妆饰品,也只不过是好像从树上剪下几片树叶罢了。你原来内心的倾向自会再度出头作主的。因此你必须有你自己的无愧良心才行。{TDG 139.2}
If we are Christians, we shall follow Christ, even though the path in which we are to walk cuts right across our natural inclinations. There is no use in telling you that you must not wear this or that, for if the love of these vain things is in your heart, your laying off your adornments will only be like cutting the foliage off a tree. The inclinations of the natural heart would again assert themselves. You must have a conscience of your own. {TDG 139.3}
但愿你我都要记住:基督成了贫穷,好使我们因祂的贫穷得以成为富有,难道我们不要力求荣耀祂的圣名,推进祂的圣工吗?我们要常和祂连结在一起,正好像枝子常和葡萄树连结在一起一样。耶稣说:“我是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。……你们多结果子,我父就因此得荣耀,你们也就是我的门徒了”(约15:5-8)。{TDG 139.3}
O, did we remember that Christ became poor, that we through His poverty might become rich, would we not seek to honor His name, and advance His cause? We are to abide in Him as the branch abides in the vine. Jesus says, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.... Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples” (John 15:5-8). {TDG 139.4}
我们如果遵照主这样吩咐的实行了,我们各地教会的情形就必大不相同,而且我们也就知道什么是有上帝的圣灵在深深地运行着了。我们所需要的就是有斧头放在树根上。我们要向世界是死的,向自我是死的,但向上帝却是活的。我们的生命必须与基督一同藏在上帝里面,那么在祂显现的时候,我们也就可以与祂一同显现在荣耀里了。我们需要亲近基督,叫世人可以知道我们原是跟过基督、学过祂样式的。……你们要定睛仰望基督。要存着谦卑的心力求和上帝亲近。要在言语、行为、和生活上都承认基督。(《评论与通讯》1892年5月10日){TDG 139.4}
If we fulfilled this command of our Lord, there would be a different state of affairs in our churches, and we should know what it is to have the deep movings of the Spirit of God. What we want is to have the ax laid at the root of the tree. We want to be dead to the world, dead to self, and alive unto God. Our life must be hid with Christ in God, that when He shall appear, we also may appear with Him in glory. We need to come close to Christ, that men may know that we have been with Christ and learned of Him.... Keep your eye fixed upon Christ. With humility of mind seek for a nearness to God. In words, in conduct, in life, confess Christ.—The Review and Herald, May 10, 1892. {TDG 139.5}
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