五月二十二日 精炼的过程
The Purifying Process, May 22
For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. Hebrews 2:18. {TDG 151.1}
我在十二点钟的时候睡醒了,就写下那给我的教训。……{TDG 151.1}
I am awakened at twelve o’clock to write out the instruction that has been given me.... {TDG 151.2}
有话说:“我是世上的光。你既从属世之人的智慧点燃你心灵的光,你的光就必在黑暗里熄灭了。要寻求我的智慧,你就必受毫无错误之顾问的引导。这是每一个上帝的儿女都有权得到的指导。你若求,就必得着;但要凭着相信的心求。要求那与上帝圣言和谐一致的事物。你若信,就必得着。”{TDG 151.2}
The words were spoken, “I am the Light of the world. Kindle your soul’s light from the wisdom of human agencies, and your light will go out in darkness. Seek My wisdom, and you will be guided by unerring counsel. This guidance it is the privilege of every child of God to have. Ask, and ye shall receive; but ask in faith believing. Ask for that which is in accordance with the Word of God. Believing, ye shall receive.” {TDG 151.3}
基督乃是我们能力的来源。但愿我们都研究祂的教训。天父赐下祂的独生爱子来,生活在我们这个世界上,并且要遭受试探,好叫祂可以教导我们怎样得胜,天父就此作了充分的准备,使我们不至被仇敌掳去。基督与那堕落的仇敌对抗,为人类争得了胜利。祂在凡事上也都受过试探,与我们一样,只是祂凭着神性的能力完全抗拒了,因此祂在我们遭受试探的时候足能救助我们。{TDG 151.3}
Christ is the source of our strength. Let us study His teachings. In giving His only begotten Son to live in our world and to be subject to temptation that He might teach us how to overcome, the Father has made ample provision that we should not be taken captive by the enemy. Meeting the fallen foe, Christ overcame in behalf of humanity. He was tempted in all points like as we are, but He resisted in the strength of divinity, that He might be able to succor us when we are tempted. {TDG 151.4}
我们既然得与祂神圣的性情有分,就应当学会识别撒但的种种试探,并且靠着祂恩典的力量,胜过那在世上从情欲而来的败坏。那曾经一度是有罪的凡人,藉着基督所分授的功德,也可以得蒙炼净成为纯洁,并得以与上帝同工的身份站立在他同胞的面前。那热诚寻求上帝的人,毫无问题地必得分享神的性情,也必确切无疑地得蒙基督的怜恤。……{TDG 151.4}
Becoming partakers of His divine nature, we are to learn to discern the temptations of Satan, and, in the strength of His grace, overcome the corruptions that are in the world through lust. He who was once a sinful human being may be refined and purified through the imparted merits of Christ, and stand before his fellow men as a laborer together with God. To the earnest seeker after God, the divine nature will surely be imparted, the compassion of Christ will certainly be vouchsafed.... {TDG 151.5}
撒但正在运用他的一切计谋引诱人离开正路。我们应该怎么办呢?我们要相信主愿意扶起软弱的人,加强他们的力量。{TDG 151.5}
Satan is working with all his ingenuity to sidetrack souls. What shall we do? Let us believe that the Lord is willing to raise up and strengthen the weak. {TDG 151.6}
你会发现你最大的力量在于思考属灵的事物。但愿上帝圣言使人成圣的真理彰显在你的生活上。但愿这能力洁净和提高人的心。主希望为祂服务的仆人都谦卑地行在祂的面前。“我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息。因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”(太11:29,30)。(《信函》1908年166号,致《评论与通讯》主编普雷斯科特) {TDG 151.6}
You will find your greatest strength in dwelling upon that which is spiritual. Let the sanctification of the truth of the Word of God be revealed in your life. Let this agency refine and ennoble the soul. The Lord would have His ministering servants walk humbly before Him. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29, 30).—Letter 166, May 22, 1908, to W. W. Prescott, editor of the Review and Herald. {TDG 151.7}
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