五月二十三日 承受我们的产业
Securing Our Inheritance, May 23
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7. {TDG 152.1}
我们世界的前途实在是危险的。上帝正从各邪恶的城市撤回祂的灵;这些城市已变得像洪水以前的城市和所多玛、蛾摩拉那样。这些城市的居民都经过测试和检验。我们已经到达上帝惩罚胆大妄为、无恶不作之人的时候。他们既不遵守祂的诫命,又不理祂警告的信息。那位长久宽容作恶之人的主,曾给每一个人机会来寻求祂,在祂面前存谦卑的心。{TDG 152.1}
The outlook in our world is indeed alarming. God is withdrawing His Spirit from the wicked cities, which have become as the cities of the antediluvian world, and as Sodom and Gomorrah. The inhabitants of these cities have been tested and tried. We have reached a time when God is about to punish the presumptuous wrongdoers, who refuse to keep His commandments and disregard His messages of warning. He who bears long with evildoers gives everyone an opportunity to seek Him and humble their hearts before Him. {TDG 152.2}
每一个人都有机会到基督这里来,悔罪改过,好使祂可以医治他们。但是时候将到,那时就不再会施行怜悯了。一旦主看出那些业主已经越过得蒙饶恕的界限,那时所有价值昂贵的高楼大厦,建筑技术的奇迹,都必毫无预告的全被摧毁。那被信以为真可防火的富丽堂皇的建筑物被火焚烧,就是一个例证,显明世上的建筑物是怎样地在顷刻之间就必成为废墟。……{TDG 152.2}
Everyone has opportunity to come to Christ and be converted, that He may heal them. But there will come a time when mercy will be no longer offered. Costly mansions, marvels of architectural skill, will be destroyed without a moment’s notice, when the Lord sees that the owners have passed the boundaries of forgiveness. The destruction by fire of the stately buildings supposed to be fireproof is an illustration of how in a short time earth’s architecture will lie in ruins.... {TDG 152.3}
《马太福音》第二十四章概述了将要临到世界的事情。我们生活在末世的危险中。沉沦在罪中的人需要得到警告。主呼吁每一个祂托付了财富的人担任祂的助手,捐献他们的钱财推进祂的圣工。我们所有的钱原是主借给我们的,要投入将最后慈怜的信息传给世人的工作。……{TDG 152.3}
The twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew gives an outline of what is to come upon the world. We are living amid the perils of the last days. Those who are perishing in sin must be warned. The Lord calls upon every one to whom He has entrusted the talent of means to act as His helping hand by giving their money for the advancement of His work. Our money is a treasure lent us by the Lord, and it is to be invested in the work of giving to the world the last message of mercy.... {TDG 152.4}
那认为地上的事物就是主要福利,那尽他一生的努力、务求获得属世财富的人,实在是在作着拙劣不幸的投资。他必后悔莫及地看到自己所倚靠的倾倒粉碎在灰尘之中。人惟有藉着舍己,藉着牺牲世上的财富,才能获得永恒的财富。基督徒必须经历许多的艰难,才得以进入天国。他要不住地打那美好的仗,决不放下他的武器,直到基督吩咐他安息为止。他惟有将一切都献与基督,才能承受那永存不朽的产业。(《信函》1902年90号,致约翰逊弟兄,1902年5月23日){TDG 152.4}
He who looks at earthly things as the chief good, he who spends his life in an effort to gain worldly riches, is indeed making a poor investment. Too late he will see that in which he has trusted crumbling into dust. It is only through self-denial, through the sacrifice of earthly riches, that the eternal riches can be obtained. It is through much tribulation that the Christian enters the kingdom of heaven. Constantly he is to war the good warfare, not laying down his weapons until Christ bids him rest. Only by giving all to Christ can he secure the inheritance that will endure through all eternity.—Letter 90, May 23, 1902, to Brother Johnson, a layman. {TDG 152.5}
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