五月二十四日 为真理发热心
Zeal for Truth, May 24
And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8. {TDG 153.1}
这个世界上的任何事物,属世的爱好或享受,都不能取代上帝的临格和祂的恩眷。没有祂作我们的良友,参与我们一份,我们就真是孤苦伶仃的了。我们可能还有别的朋友,但他们对于我们绝不能和基督相比。{TDG 153.1}
Nothing in this world, no earthly favors or enjoyments, can take the place of the presence and favor of God. Without Him as our friend and portion, we are indeed alone. We may have many other friends, but they can never be to us what Christ is. {TDG 153.2}
凡希望为过去所犯种种罪过寻求饶赦的人,就必须本着他们的真情实况到基督这里来,说:“主啊,虽然我是用重价买来的,我也是你的产业,但我过去却拒绝把自己献给你。现在我承认我不是自己的人,因此我不能任意而行。求你不嫌我现在的情况收容我这个可怜有罪的人,藉着将我一切的罪都归在亲爱的主你自己身上,使我得以清洁纯净吧。这原是我不配得的,但只有你是唯一能拯救我的。求你免除我的罪,将你的义赐给我。我再也不愿在罪中存留一天了。求你将你的义分赐给我,保守我全不违犯你神圣的律法吧。”{TDG 153.2}
Those who desire to find pardon for past transgressions must come to Christ just as they are, saying, “Lord, though I have been bought with a price, and am Thy property, I have in the past refused to give myself to Thee. I now acknowledge that I am not my own, that I cannot do as I please with myself. Take me as I am, a poor, sinful creature, and cleanse and purify me from all sin by taking my sin Thine own dear self. I do not deserve this, but Thou art the only one who can save me. Take away my sin and give me Thy righteousness. I do not want to remain in sin one more day. Impart to me Thy righteousness, and keep me from all transgression of Thy holy law.” {TDG 153.3}
切不可限制以色列的圣者。当渴望见到祂慈爱的更多彰显,好使你可以引领别人也认识祂的良善。……{TDG 153.3}
Do not limit the Holy One of Israel. Desire to see more of the manifestation of His love, that you may win others to the knowledge of His goodness.... {TDG 153.4}
主已经凭祂光荣的完美保证:凡存心谦卑、承认自己罪过、而来寻求祂的人,都必发现祂对于自己的心灵是多么地宝贵。但是那些不肯顺从、惟恐令世俗友好不悦的人,却不能作上帝的朋友。{TDG 153.4}
The Lord has pledged His glorious perfection that those who seek Him with humility of heart, confessing their sins, will find Him precious to their souls. But those who refuse to obey, for fear of displeasing earthly friends, cannot be friends of God. {TDG 153.5}
顺从,顺从,为了基督的缘故,为了你自己的缘故,要顺从。要顺从你自己良心所指示给你的真理。要接受基督的恩典和公义。上帝正在柔声地呼召你,说:“凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息。因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”(太11:28-30)。如果你拒绝这悔改脱离罪恶辖制的邀请,上帝的大日一到,你就必毫无指望,毫无保障,是一个违犯祂律法的悖逆之子。那时候祂就无法在祂的国度中给你一个地位了。我的祷告就是:求上帝帮助你现在就来。(《信函》1900年80号,5月24日,致“澳大利亚的一位平信徒”) {TDG 153.5}
Obey, obey, for Christ’s sake and for your own soul’s sake. Obey that which your conscience tells you is truth. Accept the grace and righteousness of Christ. God is tenderly calling you, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). If you refuse the invitation to repentance, to freedom from sin, the great day of God will find you hopeless, shelterless, disobedient, a transgressor of His law. He will not then be able to give you a place in His kingdom. God help you to come now, is my prayer.—Letter 80, May 24, 1900, to a layman in Australia. {TDG 153.6}
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