五月二十九日 要尊重圣工
Reverence the Cause, May 29
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. 1 Timothy 3:9. {TDG 158.1}
我为今天早晨所享有的平安赞美上帝。我在主里面有完美的安舒。我信赖祂的慈爱。我们为什么不在上帝的爱里,就是在祂圣言的保证中安息呢?耶稣是怎样说呢? “凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。”还有什么比这个应许更明确的呢? “我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息。因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”(太11:28-30)。既然这样,那就来吧;但愿我们相信耶稣基督的人,不要有片刻的耽搁,只要来。{TDG 158.1}
I praise the Lord this morning for the peace I enjoy. There is perfect rest for me in the Lord. I trust in His love. Why should we not rest in the love of God, the assurance of His word? What saith Jesus? “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” What can be more positive than this promise? “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Then come; let us who believe in Jesus Christ not delay a moment, but come. {TDG 158.2}
所有固执己见的人,仿佛总是担心主耶稣所说的心口并不如一,这样就大大羞辱上帝了。我们始终远离耶稣的这种行为,不是明说“我不相信主耶稣真有那样的意思”吗?你们对待你们人间的朋友,并不是用这种怀疑不信任的方式。如果他们对你表示尊重,如果他们向你作什么应许,你决不会说:“我可没有信心;我无法相信你所作的任何应许。这叫我很作难,虽然这样,我还是无法相信你的话。”{TDG 158.2}
All who hold fast to themselves, as if fearful that after all the Lord Jesus does not mean as He says, show great dishonor to God. In keeping away from Jesus do not our actions say, “I do not believe the Lord Jesus means it”? You do not treat your human friends in this doubting, distrustful manner. If they show you respect, if they make you a promise, you do not say, “I have no faith; I cannot believe any of your promises. This is very trying to me, nevertheless I cannot believe your word.” {TDG 158.3}
你的行动实际上就等于把这一切都告诉上帝了。……本来你一来到就总寻得着安息的,可惜你却开始发生疑问,注意自己,为自己叹息。现在停止这一切吧。卸下你为自己颈项所自作自受、磨伤得那么厉害的轭,负起基督的轭吧,祂说那是不难负的;背起祂的担子吧,祂告诉你说那是轻省的。……{TDG 158.3}
You virtually tell God all of this in your actions.... You have found the rest always when you have come, but you begin to question, to look at yourself, to groan over yourself. Now stop all this. Take off that yoke you have manufactured for your neck, which galls so terribly, and take Christ’s yoke, which he declares is easy, and His burden, which He tells you is light.... {TDG 158.4}
圣灵乃是保惠师,是你的保惠师。试问圣灵有没有失信不履行祂那一部分的任务?如果这样,那你就不受指责了。但是应许确是坚定可靠的。当你说你对上帝没有信心时,你就是把上帝看作说谎的,也表明你不信任圣灵的工作,其实祂倒是随时准备要帮助我们的弱点毛病。祂总是在你的门外等待着,总是敲门想要进来。且让祂进来吧!你所要做的,就是把你自己的心愿归服在主的这一边。你实在需要这个应许,但那支持这应许的乃是无穷无限的主,是你所当全然信任的,要说:“我是属于主的。我确实相信。”要从心灵中排除所有的疑虑。要信靠上帝。祂疼爱你。千万不可容许你自己怀疑或者不信赖祂。(《文稿》1893年80号,5月29日,日记){TDG 158.4}
The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, your Comforter. Has the Holy Spirit failed to fulfill His part of the work? If so, you are not to blame. But the promise is sure and steadfast. When you say you have not faith in God you make God a liar and show that you have no confidence in the Holy Spirit’s work, which is always ready to help our infirmities. He is always waiting at your door, always knocking for admittance. Let Him in. All you have to do is to put your will over on the Lord’s side. You need the promise, but it is the infinite One behind the promise in whom you are to have perfect confidence. Say it: “I am the Lord’s. I do believe.” Crowd out every doubt from the soul. Have faith in God. He loves you. Never, never allow yourself to doubt or distrust Him.—Manuscript 80, May 29, 1893, diary. {TDG 158.5}
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