六月四日 不要让人欺骗你
Let No Man Deceive You, June 4
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4. {TDG 164.1}
就在基督头一次降世的时候和那以前不久,宗教教师们宣布了一些奇特的意见,其中也混合着部分的真理,因此颇具有欺骗的魔力,以致引诱人虽然在外表上还保持着真诚敬拜上帝的样式,实际上却远离祂了。我们发现在这末后的时日中,也有这同样的情形;那些远离真道的人,也把各式各样人的意见和他们的信仰混合在一起了。圣经》然也受到批评。这是不是因为圣经前后并不一致而且矛盾对立,以致传道人所作的解释也大不相同呢?──不!这毛病就是:人们现在的行为竟和基督时代的一模一样,将人的吩咐当作道理教训人。祂当年论到法利赛人说:“你们错了;因为不明白圣经,也不晓得上帝的大能”(太22:29)。现今宗教教师的情形也是这样。上面这些话所论到的人,原来都是可能要向民众解释并教导圣经的。{TDG 164.1}
Prior to and at the first advent of Christ, religious teachers set forth strange ideas that were so mingled with portions of truth that they were full of deceptive power, and led souls away from God, although they still preserved the appearance of being His true worshipers. We find a similar condition of society in these last days, and those who depart from the faith, mingle with their belief diversities of human opinion. The Bible is brought into criticism. Is it because the Scriptures are inconsistent and contradictory that ministers differ so widely in their interpretation?—No, the trouble is that men are doing today as they did in the time of Christ, and are teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Religious teachers are in the same condition as were the Pharisees of whom He said, “Ye are both ignorant of the Scriptures and of the power of God” (see Matthew 22:29). The very men to whom these words were spoken were presumed to teach and interpret the Scriptures to the people. {TDG 164.2}
圣经究竟是不是含糊不清,前后不一致的呢?在宗教界方面矛盾冲突的见解,各种互不相同的观念,以及所信仰的种种教义要道,究竟有没有什么根据呢?如果有的话,那么我们就很可以怀疑到它们的神圣来源了,因为那导致人们产生种种不同意见的,绝不是出自上帝的灵感。那班担任讲解圣经的人,由于企图使上帝的真理符合世人的发明和教理,已经败坏了上帝的圣言,曲解了经文的真义。《圣经》经文既被歪曲误用,真理的精华也就被镶嵌在谬论的框架里了。这些教师都是瞎眼的,不能清楚地分辨什么是经文的真实意义。……{TDG 164.2}
Are the Scriptures vague and inconsistent? Is there any foundation for the conflicting opinions and various sentiments and doctrines that find credence in the religious world? If so, then we may entertain doubts of their divine origin, for it is not the inspiration of God that leads people to come to diverse opinions. Those who undertake to interpret the Bible, have corrupted the Word of God and wrested the Scripture from its true meaning, by seeking to harmonize the truth of God with the inventions and doctrines of men. The Scriptures are perverted and misapplied, and the gems of truth are set in the framework of error. These teachers are blinded, and cannot clearly discern what is the true meaning of the Scriptures.... {TDG 164.3}
那位舍弃自己生命要拯救世人的耶稣,对于末日所必要发生的事,已经警告过我们了。当年门徒私下到祂那里,问祂有关世界末日的事,耶稣说:“你们要谨慎,免得有人迷惑你们。因为将来有好些人冒我的名来,说:‘我是基督’,并且要迷惑许多人”(太24:4,5)。(《时兆》1894年6月4日){TDG 164.3}
Jesus, who gave His life to save men, has given us a warning as to what shall come to pass in the last days. The disciples came to Him privately to ask Him concerning the end of the world, and Jesus said: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:4, 5).—Signs of the Times, June 4, 1894. {TDG 164.4}
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