六月六日 救恩的代价
The Cost of Salvation, June 6
My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Hebrews 12:5, 6. {TDG 166.1}
基督是我们的榜样:祂倍尝艰苦、祂忍受患难、祂屈尊降贵取了人的样式。基督担负了他的重担,既没有表示不能忍受,也没有怀疑不信,更没有怨天尤人。祂并不是因为身为上帝的圣子,就较少感受试炼的痛苦。你所有的烦恼、困惑、或艰难,没有一项不是以同等的重量压在上帝儿子的身上;也没有什么忧患不是祂的心所同样经受过的。祂的感情也和你的一样,容易受到伤害。可是,基督的人生与品格却是无瑕无疵的。祂的品德原是各种卓越德行所组成的,包含着一切纯洁、真实,与可爱的品质与美名在内。{TDG 166.1}
Christ is our example. He was exposed to hardship. He endured suffering, He humbled Himself to humanity. Christ bore His burdens without impatience, without unbelief, without repining. He felt His trials none the less because He was the divine Son of God. You have not a trouble, perplexity, or difficulty which did not press with equal weight upon the Son of God; not a sorrow to which His heart was not equally exposed. His feelings were hurt as easily as yours. Again the life and character of Christ were faultless. His character was composed of moral excellencies, including everything pure, and true, and lovely, and of good report. {TDG 166.2}
上帝已经赐给我们一位完美而毫无瑕疵的模范了。上帝定意要使你成为一个有能力有效用的工作人员。祂所设计的心意应当是纯洁、高尚、尊贵的。如果听任心意运用在琐屑的小事上,结果就如那不能更改的定律必定弱化了。上帝要祂的仆人们扩大他们的心思和工作计划的范围,并要竭尽所能的去做那些伟大、而使人高尚、尊贵的事。这样就必使心智的能力有新的源头。他的思想范围就必扩大,他也必尽全副精力准备去从事那更广博、更高深、更伟大的工作,浮游于那深沉无底浩瀚无边的人海时潮之中。{TDG 166.2}
God has given us a perfect, faultless pattern. God designed to make of you an able, efficient workman. The mind He designed should be purified, elevated, ennobled. If the mind is allowed to be exercised with small things, it will be feeble as the result of unchanging laws. God wants His servants to enlarge the scope of their thoughts and plans of labor and bring their powers into vigorous contact with things that are grand, elevating, ennobling. This will give new springs to the intellectual faculties. His thoughts will take broad scope and he will gird up his energies for the task of a broader, deeper, grander work, swimming in deep and broad waters where there is no bottom or shore.... {TDG 166.3}
上帝在人还没有正确地看出自己情况的时候,就洞悉他们的心意和品格了。祂看出那些存在他们中间所未曾发现、因而也未经改正的错误,若不加以改正,祂的圣工和教会就必遭受损失。我们如果遵行基督所吩咐我们的,祂就会称呼我们是祂的仆人。每一个人都各有指定给他的特殊范围、地点、和工作,上帝对最低微的和最伟大的所有的要求全部一样,不多不少,就是要他们履行自己的任务。我们并不是属于自己的产业。藉着恩典我们已经成为基督的仆人。我们乃是用上帝儿子宝血所买来的。(《信函》1875年16号,6月6日,致原总会会长巴特勒长老){TDG 166.3}
God sees men’s hearts and characters when they do not see their own state correctly. He sees that His work and cause will suffer if wrongs are not corrected that exist in themselves unobserved and therefore uncorrected. Christ calls us His servants, if we do what He commands us. There is to every man assigned his particular sphere, place, and work, and God asks no more and no less from the lowliest, as well as the greatest, than that they fulfill their calling. We are not our own property. We have become servants of Christ by grace. We are the purchase of the blood of the Son of God.—Letter 16, June 6, 1875, to Elder G. I. Butler, former president of the General Conference. {TDG 166.4}
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