六月七日 祂的恩典足够用的
His Grace Is Sufficient, June 7
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12, 13. {TDG 167.1}
每一个人对于自己的得救,都有一番工作要做,那就是要迎合上帝所有的要求。上帝得不到那为祂而进行工作之人的合作,就不会单独自主地为他作任何的事。在实践各项应许的事上,祂的恩典足够在凡属祂的人心中运行,也足够为他们用的,同时那受这恩典供应的人也要顺从一切的命令。{TDG 167.1}
Every one of us has a work to do in our own salvation, which is to meet every requirement of God. God does not do anything independent of the agency of him for whom the work is to be done. His grace is sufficient to work in and with them that are His, in the fulfillment of every promise, while the one for whom this grace is supplied is to obey every command. {TDG 167.2}
上帝各项要求的成效,就是促使祂的子民离开世俗的人,与他们有别,不参与那些黑暗无益的事。“非圣洁没有人能见主”(来12:14)。“凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与上帝为敌了”(雅4:4)。{TDG 167.2}
The effect of God’s claims is to cause His people to come out from the world and be separate, having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Without holiness “no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). “Whosoever ... will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4). {TDG 167.3}
在上帝为我们进行工作的时候,我们也必须为自己进行工作。主既打发祂的仆人传给我们责备、劝戒、和警告,我们切不可因为这信息不是从有学问的人传来的,就转离拒绝接受。我们也不要说:这种信息是不必要的。凡是由上帝的传信人所传给你们的信息,无一不是为了你们的益处,要把救恩之道更加完全地教导你们。上帝如果不藉着祂所指派作代表的传信人,还有什么方法将祂的旨意传达给人呢?你们只选择这信息中自己所喜悦的部分、而拒绝不接受那与你们行为方式相反的部分,难道就不害怕吗?{TDG 167.3}
While the Lord is working with us, we must be working for ourselves. When the Lord sends His servants to us with reproof, with cautions, with warnings, we are not to turn away and refuse to receive the message because it does not come from learned men. We are not to say, This message is not needed. Every message sent to you by God’s messenger is for your good, to teach you the way of salvation more perfectly. What means has God to communicate His will to men, unless it be through His delegated messengers? And are you not afraid to select that portion of the message that pleases you, and reject that which crosses your track? {TDG 167.4}
你们切不可讲述你们所有的疑虑。那都是撒但的暗示。如果你们不尊重上帝所用来感动你们的方法,你们要想一想:祂还留有什么方法可以处理你们的事情呢?你们批评上帝的传道人,轻蔑地谈论使徒所嘱咐你们要因他们的工作而受到敬重的人,这不是完全地犯了大错吗?经验有限的男女人士,可以拒绝那正是上帝所指定的方法就是传道人的帮助吗?……{TDG 167.4}
You must not give expression to your doubts. They are the suggestions of Satan. If you do not respect the ways and means God has employed to reach you, will you consider what means He has in reserve to reach your case? Has there not been utterly a fault among you to criticize the ministers of God, to speak lightly of those whom the apostle has enjoined upon you to regard highly for their work’s sake? Will men and women with very limited experience refuse to be helped by the very means God has ordained—His ministers? ... {TDG 167.5}
你们自己既已领先这样无礼不敬地谈论上帝的传道人,你们试想一想:你们的儿女对于这班人又会有怎样的尊敬呢?(《文稿》1887年37号,6月7日, “与上帝合作”) {TDG 167.5}
What kind of respect do you think your children will have for the messengers of God after you have taken it upon yourselves to talk disrespectfully of these men as you have done?—Manuscript 37, June 7, 1887, “Cooperating With God.” {TDG 167.6}
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