六月十日 第162章~收割的时期
Harvesttime, June 10
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Romans 13:11, 12. {TDG 170.1}
我们是人类大组织的一部分,彼此之间都有相互的感化力,不单是在教会里,即使在天上的家庭和地上的家庭中,也融合在一起,好使基督得以在世上成为一种能力。那赐给先祖与先知的一切真理珠宝,曾经世世代代的累积下来,都要收集聚敛,作为遗传的托管物。{TDG 170.1}
We form a part of the great web of humanity, and a mutual influence passes from one to another, not only in the church but the family in heaven and the family on earth blend, in order that Christ may become a power in the world. All the jewels of truth given to patriarchs and prophets, which have been accumulating from age to age, and from generation to generation, are to be gathered up, as hereditary trusts. {TDG 170.2}
现代和过去历代的神圣感化力,合成一股强有力的属上帝的能力,不但足能对抗血肉之躯,也能抵抗那些执政的、掌权的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔。今日上帝的子民拥有早先各世代所有的一切权利和机会,又有加大的亮光,使他们得以在上帝的圣工上,较比先前的世代更有能力。这些权利也要求相称的回报。我们为了得到属天的财宝,就该作相称的努力为别人开路。{TDG 170.2}
The sacred influences of present and past generations make a strong and powerful agency for God, able to stand, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. God’s people of today have all the privileges and opportunities of former generations and increased light to make them more powerful in the work of God than the people of preceding generations have been. These advantages demand corresponding returns. In harmony with our heavenly treasures are to be our efforts to open the way before others. {TDG 170.3}
主已经临近了。天上的灵长和地上圣化的势力联合起来,要宣扬第三位天使的信息,并发出警告说,万物的结局近了。“因为还有一点点时候,那要来的就来,并不迟延”(来10:37)。有一班人要预备妥当,好在主的日子站立得稳,而且要尽一切所能的立稳。那些聚居在各城镇中的人,正在犯严重的错误。那般这样忽略扩展他们的感化力,不将它传播得越来越广直到地极的人,也正是忽略了自己应尽的职守。……{TDG 170.3}
The Lord is at hand. Heavenly intelligences united with sanctified influences of earth are to proclaim the third angel’s message and sound the warning, The end of all things is at hand. “For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry” (Hebrews 10:37). A people are to be prepared to stand in the day of the Lord, and having done all, to stand. Those who crowd together in cities and villages are making a serious mistake. Those who thus neglect to extend their influence, by circulating wider and wider, reaching to the uttermost parts of the world are neglecting to stand at their post of duty.... {TDG 170.4}
基督在祂临升天之前不久,为祂门徒所作的祷告中,说:“我不但为这些人祈求,也为那些因他们的话信我的人祈求,使他们都合而为一。正如袮父在我里面,我在袮里面,使他们也在我们里面,叫世人可以信袮差了我来”(约17:20,21)。唉!但愿这些有福的话语,可以由上帝亲手写在每个人的心上。(《文稿》1891年第7号,6月10日,“永生教会中的基督徒服务”) {TDG 170.4}
In His prayer for His disciples shortly before His ascension, Christ said, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:20, 21). Oh, that these blessed words may be written by the finger of God upon every heart.—Manuscript 7, June 10, 1891, “Christian Service in the Living Church.” {TDG 170.5}
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