六月十二日 上帝对祂教会的看顾
God’s Care for His Church, June 12
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Romans 16:17. {TDG 172.1}
在历代都有人以为自己有一项工作要为主去做,并且表现出对主一直在使用的人不尊重。他们并不正确地应用圣经,反而扭曲经文以支持他们自己的想法。那些引诱人离开主体的人无论怎样自称以宣扬他们自己发明的理论,都是在侍奉撒但,标新立异为使人心转离现代真理。{TDG 172.1}
In all ages of the world there have been men who think they have a work to do for the Lord, and show no respect for those whom the Lord has been using. They do not make right applications of Scripture, they wrest the Scriptures to sustain their own ideas. Whatever may be the claims of those who draw away from the body to proclaim theories of their own invention, they are in Satan’s service, to get up some new device to divert souls from the truth for this time. {TDG 172.2}
要警惕那些起来大肆攻击教会的人。上帝的选民要勇敢地抵制世界上敌对的风暴,把被践踏的上帝诫命高举起来,尊之为圣,因为他们是世上的光。凡人怎么敢论断他们,称教会是妓女、巴比伦、贼窝、各样污秽可憎之雀鸟的巢穴、鬼魔的住处、使列国都因她邪淫大怒的酒倾倒、与地上的君王和伟人结盟、因奢华太过就发了财,并且宣称她的罪恶滔天,她的不义,上帝已经想起来了呢?难道这就是我们要向安息日复临信徒传达的信息吗?我告诉你们,不是的!上帝没有赐给任何人这种信息。但愿这些人在上帝面前谦卑己心,并以真实的痛悔悔改自己竟一时站在那控告者一边,他是昼夜在上帝面前控告弟兄的。{TDG 172.2}
Beware of those who arise with a great burden to denounce the church. The chosen ones who are standing and breasting the storm of opposition from the world, and are uplifting the downtrodden commandments of God to exalt them as holy and honorable, are indeed the light of the world. How dare mortal man pass his judgment upon them, and call the church a harlot, Babylon, a den of thieves, a cage of every unclean and hateful bird, the habitation of devils, making the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication, confederating with the kings and great men of the earth, waxing rich through the abundance of her delicacies, and proclaiming that her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities? Is this the message we have to bear to Seventh-day Adventists? I tell you, no! God has given no man any such message. Let these men humble their hearts before God, and in true contrition repent that they have even for a time stood by the side of the accuser of the brethren who accused them before God day and night.... {TDG 172.3}
如果这个假信息是现今每个人所必定听到的:“我的民啊,要从那里出来”,我们该往哪里去呢?……{TDG 172.3}
Supposing this spurious message is the one everyone must hear for this time, “Come out of her, my people,” where shall we go? ... {TDG 172.4}
亲爱的弟兄阿,我告诉你,上帝已经组建了教会,要藉着她工作。在信徒中间,可能有一些犹大;有急噪的彼得,在试炼的环境下会否认他的主;也会有约翰那样蒙耶稣所爱的人,但他也可能会怒火中烧,求火从天降下,消灭那些侮辱基督和真理的人。大教师曾设法指教他们纠正所存在的错误。(《文稿》1893年第21号,6月12日){TDG 172.4}
I tell you, my brethren, the Lord has an organized body through whom He will work. There may be more than a score of Judases among them; there may be a rash Peter who will under circumstances of trial deny his Lord; there may be persons represented by John, whom Jesus loved, but he may have a zeal that would destroy men’s lives by calling down fire from heaven upon them to revenge an insult to Christ and to the truth. But the great Teacher seeks to give lessons of instruction to correct these existing evils.—Manuscript 21, June 12, 1893,. {TDG 172.5}
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