六月二十四日 困惑中的引导
Guidance in Perplexity, June 24
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21. {TDG 184.1}
你(指埃德森)需要一个绝无错失的顾问:是不因谣传而生偏见,也不因偏狭见解而搅乱其判断的顾问。旁边虽有门路打开,但这究竟是你所当行走的,或是当避开的,你自己固然无法辨别,也没有任何世人能告诉你。另一条路在你面前封闭了,这时你是应该离开原路转到另一个方向,或是试作坚决不变的努力,也没有人足够聪明可作决定。你需要一位向导,一位肉眼看不见的“大能者”,能鉴定你心中的动机、目的、和意向,引导你的脚步。那“东方的星”必定为你引路,只要你肯顺从它的指引。{TDG 184.1}
You [Edson] need a Counselor that will not err; One whom hearsay will not prejudice; One whom narrow ideas will not unbalance His judgment. A path opens on one side, but whether it is the path for you to walk in or shun is that which you do not discern, and no mortal man can tell you. Another path closes before you, and whether it is the turning aside in another direction or to try your steadfast purpose none are wise enough to determine. You need a Guide, a Power unseen by mortal eyes, who can judge your motives and the purposes and intents of your heart to guide your ways. The Star in the East will guide your ways, if you will only follow it. {TDG 184.2}
你们绝不会孤独无伴的。你们也绝不致到达没有人关心你们的地步。我们的天父曾经赐下祂的儿子替你们受死。髑髅地的十字架就证明:祂深切关注你们的福利,因为你们是上帝的儿子所买来的,又是许多祈祷所提到的对像。{TDG 184.2}
You are never alone. You are never in a place where you have no one to have interest in you. Our heavenly Father has given His Son to die for you. The cross of Calvary testified that He takes a deep interest in your welfare, for you are the purchase of the Son of God, and you are the subject of many prayers. {TDG 184.3}
只要你们自觉无愧,行为正直,一切就会好了。你们如果祈求上帝的帮助,你们的祈求决不会落空。主正在用百般的方法要博取你们由衷的信服。祂最喜悦的莫过于你们把重担放下,到祂面前来得到光和力,而且祂也早有应许要叫你们的心灵得享安息。如果你们用心出声祷告,祂必定垂听,也必有伸出来的膀臂拯救你们。有一位垂听祈祷的上帝,而且在山穷水尽、一切办法都失效的时候,祂就是你们的避难所,是患难中随时的帮助。……{TDG 184.3}
If you but feel right and do right, all will be well. If you ask the help of God, you will not ask in vain. The Lord is at work in many ways to win your hearty confidence. In nothing does He take more delight than to have you unburden, come to Him for light and strength, and He has promised that you shall find rest to your soul. If you will find heart and voice to pray, He will be sure to hear, and an arm will be reached down to save you. There is a God that hears prayer, and when all other resources fail, He is your refuge, a very present help in time of trouble.... {TDG 184.4}
你们如果在困惑中存着谦卑相信的心,到上帝面前来祈求指导,那么你们就有权将自己的事件交托给祂。天地都可能过去,但应许决不落空。这样,就当相信上帝的话。你们既然在还只三岁的时候,就已经相信祂的应许了。现在就该有小孩子的纯真,抱着亲切的信心到耶稣这里来。要全心全意的信靠主,你们的信靠一定不会被辜负,也绝不会对你们不利的。且看看雅各在毗努伊勒平原向上帝所作的恳求。他的祷告既得蒙听允,而他自己也获得了一次极大的胜利。(《信函》1886年第2号,6月24日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 184.4}
If you go to God with a humble, believing heart to seek for guidance in your perplexity, then it is your privilege to rest your case with Him. Heaven and earth may pass before the promise would fail. Then take God at His word. You did believe His promises when you were only three years old. Have the simplicity of a child now, and come to Jesus in clinging faith. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and your confidence will never be betrayed, never be turned against you. Look at Jacob pleading with God on the plains of Penuel. His prayer was heard and answered, and he obtained a mighty victory—Letter 2, June 24, 1886, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 184.5}
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