七月一日 一位富有同情心的救主
A Sympathizing Saviour, July 1
I sent him therefore the more carefully, that, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice.... Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and hold such in reputation: because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death. Philippians 2:28-30. {TDG 191.1}
那位从主那里领受了许多启示的使徒保罗,曾经遭遇过多方面的困难,然而他在他一切的斗争和障碍中,却始终没有丧失信赖上帝的心。他在圣灵的特别教导之下,判断力得到净化、精炼、提高、而且圣洁了。世人和仇敌陷害他的计谋,对他来说,竟成了训练和教育的工具,他也声称自己是这样地获得了最优越的知识,因为他已经将主耶稣当作他的倚靠了。他说:“不但如此,我也将万事当作有损的,因我以认识我主基督耶稣为至宝”(腓3:8)。 ……{TDG 191.1}
The apostle Paul, who had received many revelations from the Lord, met difficulties from various sources and amidst all his conflicts and discouragements, he did not lose his trust and confidence in God. Under the special tuition of the Holy Spirit, his judgment was purified, refined, elevated, sanctified. The devisings of human beings and of the enemy against him were to him a means of discipline and education, and he declares that thus he gained most excellent knowledge, because he made the Lord Jesus his dependence. “Yea doubtless,” he declares, “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8).... {TDG 191.2}
那班献身为耶稣服务,并在大艰难之下作祂圣工的人所遭受的每一阵痛苦,祂都感觉得到。但愿我们要想念到耶稣的爱,好使我们可以得到勇气和信心。主仍然活着并掌权。必定会有无见识的顾问来试图搅乱我们,但是我们却要仰望耶稣,时刻倚靠祂。祂原来是我们的帮助者,祂也必继续作我们的帮助者。……有的时候我非常地感到困惑,不知道该怎样办,但我决不至忧伤沮丧。我决定尽可能地把所有的阳光带进我的生活之中。{TDG 191.2}
Jesus feels every pang of sorrow felt by those who are consecrated to His service, and who, under great difficulties, are doing His work. Let us dwell upon the love of Jesus, that we may have courage and faith. The Lord lives and reigns. There will be unwise advisers who will try to confuse us, but let us look to Jesus, and trust in Him at all times. He has been our Helper, and He will continue to be our Helper.... I am sometimes greatly perplexed to know what to do, but I will not be depressed. I am determined to bring all the sunshine into my life that I possibly can. {TDG 191.3}
我为推进上帝圣工所负的债务,有时也使我感到烦恼。我之所以牵涉到债务上去的,是因为想在澳洲推进圣工。出版《历代愿望》也是一项巨大的费用,直到现在我还欠着出版社一笔钱呢。……{TDG 191.3}
The debt that I have incurred in trying to advance the cause of God sometimes worries me. I became involved in debt in trying to push forward the work in Australia. The publication of Desire of Ages was a heavy expense, and I still owe the publishing houses something.... {TDG 191.4}
我现在所住的房子,也是借钱买来的。要我把它卖去,我也和买进来时同样地甘心乐愿。在这个世界上我并没有长久的住处。只要主说:“去,到新的地区建立工作,”我就必乐意去。……{TDG 191.4}
The house I now live in was paid for with borrowed money. I am just as willing to dispose of my place as I was to buy it. I have no abiding place in this world. When the Lord says, “Go, and build up the work in new places,” I shall gladly go.... {TDG 191.5}
我的信心是毫不动摇的。我并不灰心,因我能握住基督的手。但愿我们要时常高兴快乐,免得别人从我们身上感染到灰心失意的精神。(《信函》1903年127号,7月1日,致怀爱伦多年的同工赫斯格长老,当时在从事城市布道工作”){TDG 191.5}
My trust is unwavering. I am not discouraged, because I can hold to the hand of Christ. Let us be always cheerful, that others may not catch from us the spirit of discouragement.—Letter 127, July 1, 1903, to Elder S. N. Haskell, for long years an associate worker of Ellen White’s, at the time working in city evangelism. {TDG 191.6}
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