七月十六日 为了生存而吃喝
Eating for Life, July 16
My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.... For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22. {TDG 206.1}
由于家中错误的教育而得出的错误观点,一直代代相传,养成的放纵习惯导致成千上万人毁了健康。我们的各疗养院应当成为能在关系生命和健康的事上给予许多人正确教育的地方。应该小心谨慎饮食的习惯,以便没有人会因放纵食欲而使自己生病。当主用祂爱子的牺牲所买来的子民藉着错误的生活习惯轻率地伤害自己时,祂就不喜悦。我们在经过这个世界时,应该设法指教凡愿意受教导的人如何避免及如何克服自我放纵的做法。{TDG 206.1}
Erroneous opinions, arrived at because of faulty education in the home, have been handed down by children to children’s children, and habits of indulgence have been fostered which have resulted in ruined health to thousands. Our sanitariums are to be places where correct education can be given to many on matters that pertain to life and health. The habits of eating should be carefully guarded, that none shall make themselves sick by indulgence of appetite. The Lord is not pleased when His people, bought by the sacrifice of His beloved Son, thoughtlessly injure themselves by wrong habits of living. As we pass through this world, we should seek to instruct all who will be taught how to avoid and how to overcome self-indulgent practices. {TDG 206.2}
我们若是信靠耶稣基督的人,就要追求在如何保持头脑清晰活跃上变得聪明起来,以便我们的影响力毫无损失。我们应该藉着保持身体系统处于能献完美服务的状态来成为与上帝同工的人。虐待整个身心的幸福所主要依赖的消化器官,实在是下策。当胃受到干扰时,头脑就受到干扰,脑神经的力量就被削弱。因此每一个人都要学习健康生活的科学,将饮食问题记在心中,并且本着良心对待这个问题,就成了一个宗教本分。{TDG 206.2}
If we are believers in Jesus Christ, we shall seek to become intelligent as to how to keep the brain clear and active, that not a tittle of our influence shall be lost. We should seek to become laborers together with God by keeping the system in such a condition that it can render perfect service. It is poor policy indeed, to ill-treat the digestive organs, upon which the happiness of the whole being so largely depends. When the stomach is disturbed, the mind is disturbed, and the brain nerve power is weakened. It therefore becomes a religious duty with every soul to learn the science of healthful living, to keep the question of diet in mind, and to treat the matter conscientiously. {TDG 206.3}
使徒保罗向我们宣布,我们不是自己的人,因为我们是用重价买来的。我们若是真的爱为我们舍命的主,就必感到有严肃的责任要避免疾病。……{TDG 206.3}
The apostle Paul declares to us that we are not our own, that we are bought with a price. If we truly love the One who gave His life for us, we shall feel under solemn obligation to avoid disease.... {TDG 206.4}
放纵败坏食欲的试探的力量,只有藉着基督在旷野长期禁食所忍受的痛苦折磨,才能衡量得出来。基督深知为了完成救赎的计划,祂必须在这败坏开始的地方,着手做救赎的工作。亚当在食欲这一点上堕落了。基督却正在这败坏开始的地方着手从事救赎的工作。我们的经历也是这样。我们要在对败坏的工作有非常敏锐感觉的地方,开始从事改革的工作。(《信函》1908年218号, 7月15日,致印第安纳区会会长){TDG 206.4}
The strength of the temptation to indulge perverted appetite can be measured only by the longsuffering of Christ in His long fast in the wilderness. Christ knew that in order to carry out the plan of salvation, He must begin the work of redemption just where the ruin began. Adam fell on the point of appetite. Christ took up the work of redemption just where the ruin began. The same is true of our experience. We are to begin the work of reform just where the work of degeneracy is so keenly felt.—Letter 218, July 16, 1908, to a conference president. {TDG 206.5}
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