七月二十一日 你们的光要照耀出来
Let Your Light Shine, July 21
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8. {TDG 211.1}
我看见在(密歇根州维利斯)悔改的人中有那么多男女青年因耶稣的爱而心地软化驯服,承认上帝为他们的心灵所成就的善工,心中就感到快乐。那实在是宝贵的时辰。“因为人心里相信,就可以称义;口里承认,就可以得救”(罗10:10)。……{TDG 211.1}
My heart was rejoiced to see among the converts [at Willis, Michigan] so many young men and women, with hearts softened and subdued by the love of Jesus, acknowledging the good work wrought by God for their souls. It was indeed a precious season. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10).... {TDG 211.2}
新接受真理的人务必意识到自己对上帝的责任,因为祂召他们认识真理,使他们心中充满祂神圣的平安。他们应当在与他们交往的人身上发挥圣洁的影响。“耶和华说:你们是我的见证”(赛43:10)。上帝已经将一项工作交托给每一个人,那就是使世人明白祂的救恩。{TDG 211.2}
It is essential that these who have newly come to the faith should have a sense of their obligation to God, who has called them to a knowledge of the truth, and filled their hearts with His sacred peace, that they may exert a sanctifying influence over all with whom they associate. “Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 43:10). To every one God has committed a work, to make known His salvation to the world. {TDG 211.3}
真正的宗教决不含自私或排他的成分。基督的福音是普及而积极传播的。它被比作世上的盐,产生变化的酵,照耀黑暗的光。一个得蒙上帝的恩宠和眷爱,享受着与祂交往的人,是不可能对那些基督为之受死,而依旧处在错谬与黑暗中,行将在自己的罪里灭亡的生灵,感觉不到有任何的责任。如果自称是跟从基督的人忽略了作世上的光,赐生命的能力就会离开他们,他们就会变成冷酷而非基督化了。冷漠的魔力必控制他们;死一般的呆滞心灵必使他们成为取死的身体,而不是耶稣的活代表。{TDG 211.3}
In true religion there is nothing selfish or exclusive. The gospel of Christ is diffusive and aggressive. It is described as the salt of the earth, the transforming leaven, the light which shineth in darkness. It is impossible for one to retain the favor and love of God, and enjoy communion with Him, and still feel no responsibility for the souls for whom Christ died, who are in error and darkness, perishing in their sins. If those who profess to be followers of Christ neglect to shine as lights in the world, the vital power will leave them, and they will become cold and Christless. The spell of indifference will be upon them, a deathlike sluggishness of soul, which will make them bodies of death instead of living representatives of Jesus. {TDG 211.4}
每一个人都必须高举十字架,存谦虚、温柔、自卑的心,负起上帝所交托的职责,为周围需要帮助和亮光的人尽个人的努力。凡接受这些责任的人,必获得丰富而多采多姿的经验,他们自己的心必火热起来,并得到加强和鼓舞,再接再励,恐惧战兢地作成自己得救的工夫,因为他们立志行事都是上帝在心里运行,为要成就祂的美意。(《评论与通讯》1891年7月21日){TDG 211.4}
Every one must lift the cross, and in modesty, meekness, and lowliness of mind, take up his God-given duties, engaging in personal effort for those around him who need help and light. All who accept these duties will have a rich and varied experience, their own hearts will glow with fervor, and they will be strengthened and stimulated to renewed, persevering efforts to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, because it is God that worketh in them both to will and to do of His good pleasure.—The Review and Herald, July 21, 1891. {TDG 211.5}
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