七月二十二日 一扇打开的门
An Open Door, July 22
But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. Job 23:10. {TDG 212.1}
我们所能有的那表明我们是在行走正路的最好证据,往往就是我们付出努力所得的少许进步,和那笼罩在我们路途上的黑暗。根据我过去的经验,我们惟有经过黑暗与密云,才能达到信心的最高顶点。……{TDG 212.1}
Frequently the very best evidence that we can have that we are in the right way is that the least advance costs us effort and that darkness shrouds our pathway. It has been my experience that the loftiest heights of faith we can only reach through darkness and clouds.... {TDG 212.2}
我们怀存疑惑和恐惧,并不是安全的办法,因为经常注意并谈论这些,它们就会扩大起来。我觉得我要伸出手来抓住基督的手,正像那位在狂风巨浪的海上行将下沉的门徒所作的一样。我要忠诚地从事我的工作,好使我将来站在那白色大宝座前,奉召要为那全部记录在卷册中自身所行的事交账时,就可以看到有不少生灵也站在那里作证,证明我警告过他们,我恳劝过他们,要仰望那除去世人罪孽之上帝的羔羊。{TDG 212.2}
It is not safe for us to cherish doubts and fears, for these grow by looking upon and talking them. I feel to reach up my hand and grasp the hand of Christ as did the sinking disciple on the stormy sea. I want to do my work with fidelity that when I shall stand before the great white throne and am called to answer for the things done in the body, which are all written in the book, that I may see souls standing there to testify I warned them, I entreated them to behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. {TDG 212.3}
到那时,会有经过我工作协助,而得蒙拯救的生灵在那里吗?我要藉着基督,在众人面前设立一道敞开的门。“看哪,我在你面前给你一个敞开的门,是无人能关的”(启3:8)。{TDG 212.3}
Oh, will there be souls then, saved through my instrumentality? Through Christ, I would set before the people an open door. “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it” (Revelation 3:8). {TDG 212.4}
上帝的圣城和它那一切动人的事物,都在说:“来!”我们如果能够藉着圣洁的生活,藉着恳劝、祈祷、警告,向罪人指明逃生之路,使他们的注意力集中在那敞开迎接他们的天门;如果他们凭着信心看到那引进永生的乃是一扇打开的门,就得到一切了。一切属世的诱人事物都必消逝,那属天的动人事物却必赢得生灵的爱悦。……{TDG 212.4}
The city of God with all its attractions is saying, “Come.” If we can by a holy life, by entreaties, by prayers, by warnings, point the sinner to the way of escape and fasten their attention to the heavenly gates open to receive them; if by faith they can see that the entrance into life is an open door, everything is gained. The earthly attractions will fade away, the heavenly will win and charm the soul.... {TDG 212.5}
那拦阻我们不能完成基督化品格的障碍物,都在我们自己里面。耶稣能够把它们挪开,祂要我们背负的十字架在我们里面所产生的力量,较比所消耗的更多,并要除去我们的重担,负起基督那轻省的担子。我们在履行义务时,总难免要遭遇种种斗争和磨炼;祂藉着祂自己的苦难与死亡,为我们所预备要过的生活,只要我们从不离弃,就绝不会叫我们遭受痛苦或忧伤,我们为跟从基督而作的每一项克己和牺牲,都是迷羊归回羊圈的步骤。(《信函》1887年7号,7月22日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 212.5}
The hindrances that hold us back from perfecting Christian characters are in ourselves. Jesus can remove them. The cross He requires us to bear will create strength in us more than it consumes, and remove our heaviest burdens to take the burden of Christ, which is light. Conflicts and trials we must meet in the discharge of duty. Christ has called us to glory and to virtue. The life He has through His own suffering and death prepared for us to lead, would never have cost us a pain or grief if we had never left it. Every self-denial and every sacrifice we make in following Christ are so many steps of the lost sheep returning to the fold.—Letter 7, July 22, 1877, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 212.6}
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