七月二十八日 忠心的报赏
Reward for Faithfulness, July 28
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Luke 21:34. {TDG 218.1}
亲爱的基督徒朋友们,停下来想想吧。你正在那里用主的钱做生意;你所作的结果怎样呢?你可能为了要全神贯注在交易买卖上,并为今生的思虑而大伤脑筋;可是你决不能把这一切东西,带到另外一个世界去。在那里可用不着这样的教育。既然这样,那么你为什么不用你的才干,来建设基督的国呢?为什么不把那曾经使你在商业上得到成功的机智、技能、和精力,供献为上帝服务呢?这个世界所有的作为都必毁灭。那么你为什么不把你一部分思想的能力,放在上帝的圣工上,去建设那工程必定存到永远的地方,而你也必不致蒙受亏损,那不是更好吗?{TDG 218.1}
Dear Christian friend, stop and think. You are trading with your Lord’s money; and what use are you making of it? You may suffer your mind to be engrossed with business transactions and the cares of this life; but you cannot carry these things with you into the other world. There will be no use for this kind of education there. Then why not use your talents to build up Christ’s kingdom? Why not give to the service of God the tact, skill, and energy that have made you successful in business? The works of this world will be destroyed. Would it not be better to put some of your thinking powers into the cause of God, and build where the work will be enduring, and you will not suffer loss? {TDG 218.2}
你们心上经常的负担应当是:我能够作什么去挽救基督为之受死的生灵呢?在我的四周围都有伏在罪中的宝贵生灵,如果没有什么人,为他们作成得救的工作,就必定要灭亡了。我有什么好方法,去接近这般迷途的流浪者,好把他们带进上帝荣耀的圣城,领他们到宝座面前,说:我和主所赐给我的孩子们都在这里了呢?{TDG 218.2}
The constant burden of your hearts should be, What can I do to save souls for whom Christ died? All around me are precious souls lying in wickedness, that must perish unless someone shall work for their salvation. How can I best reach these wandering ones, that I may bring them to the glorious city of God, and present them before the throne, saying, Here am I and the children whom the Lord hath given me? {TDG 218.3}
有的人可能要为自己辩解推托,说:我对这一类的工作并没有经验;我只在今生的事上用了我的能力。好的,现在只要你说一声:我仍要继续将我的时间和力量,专用在属世的利益上,或是一定要把它们用在上帝的圣工上。你我任何人都不会被强迫来参与这种服务工作。如果我们宁愿把自己的能力集中在属世的事上,就绝没有什么要拦阻我们的。可是我们为什么定要坚持把财宝积存在地上,而不积存在天上呢?假使你改变改变你做事的常规,也把你一部分的财宝积存在天上,过不久,你又再收回来,却成了永不朽坏的,难道你不欢喜快乐吗?……{TDG 218.3}
Some may excuse themselves by saying, I have had no experience in this kind of work; I have used my ability only in the things of this life. Well, it is for you to say whether you will continue to devote your time and strength to worldly interests, or will use them in the cause of God. None of us will be forced into this service. If we choose to concentrate our powers upon worldly matters, there will be nothing to hinder us. But why is it that we persist in laying up treasure here instead of above? Suppose you should change the order of things, and lay up some of your treasure in heaven, would you not rejoice to receive it again by and by, imperishable? ... {TDG 218.4}
基督已经指派给每一个人当作的工。那般不出力作工之人所当得的分,就是第二次的死,并要听到那可怕的话说:“我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧”(太7:23)!但那忠心的仆人却不会失去他们的报赏。他们必定得到永恒的生命,也要听到那最悦耳的音乐似的话说:“好,你这又良善又忠心的仆人”(太25:23)。(《时兆》1887年7月28日){TDG 218.4}
Christ has appointed to every man his work. The second death will be the portion of those who labor not, and the dreadful words will be heard, “Depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:23). But the faithful servants will not lose their reward. They will gain eternal life, and the “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Chap. 25:23), will fall as sweetest music on their ears.—The Signs of the Times, July 28, 1887. {TDG 218.5}
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