八月二日 天庭的良友耶稣
Jesus, Your Friend at Court, August 2
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. {TDG 223.1}
我们既然有一个这么丰富圆满的应许(指约3:14-19)……那么我就要问:“我们有什么藉口可作为不信的理由呢?你有什么借口说,我想主不会垂听我的祷告;我很愿意我能相信自己是一个基督徒,或说我很愿意我能有凭据证明自己是上帝的儿女呢?”情绪感觉原是多变的,但是这里却有永恒生命的宝贵话语。{TDG 223.1}
When we have a promise that is so rich and so full as [John 3:14-19] ... I inquire, “What excuse have any of us for unbelief? What excuse have you to say, “I don’t think the Lord hears my prayer; I wish I could believe I was a Christian, or I wish I could have the evidence that I was a child of God”? Feelings are very changeable, but here are the precious words of eternal life. {TDG 223.2}
什么才是凭据呢?难道是感情的一时奔放吗?难道是内心的情绪给你凭据证明你是上帝的儿女吗?可是这里有永恒生命的宝贵话语给我们保证,使我们可凭着活泼的信心,把握住那在“福音”中所指示给我们的希望。{TDG 223.2}
What is evidence? Is it a flight of feeling? Is it an emotion of the heart that gives you the evidence that you are a child of God? But here is the precious word of eternal life and it gives us the assurance that we may lay hold on the hope set before us in the Gospel by living faith. {TDG 223.3}
我们可以举手伸向那位在天庭作我们“代求者”的耶稣基督。我们在法庭上需要一位朋友。我们曾经时常犯罪、违命,都是犯法的罪人,因此,那对于我们最关重要的事,就是我们在法庭上要有一位“朋友”,为我们的案子代向天父祈求。祂说:“我若从地上被举起来,就要吸引万人来归我。”真的千万人都被吸引了吗?不错,基督是在吸引着,但他们响应这种吸引吗?他们都愿意来吗?启示录所记的邀请是“圣灵和新妇都说:来!听见的人也该说:来!口渴的人也当来;愿意的,都可以白白取生命的水喝”(启22:17)。{TDG 223.3}
We may reach up to Jesus Christ who is our Advocate in the heavenly courts. We need a friend at court. We have been sinning, been disobedient, been transgressors, and it is of the highest consequence to us that we have a Friend at court to plead our cases to the Father. He says, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Me.” Well, will all be drawn? Christ draws but will they respond to the drawing? Will they come? The invitation here in Revelation is this: “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). {TDG 223.4}
不单是传道人要说:“来!”凡听见的人也该说:“来!”这样你们必须要有目的地听,而且你们一听见这信息就要开始传讲它,你们也要说:“来!”这“来”是重于一切的。而且你们一看出自己可以来,这种特权是多么的重大,多么的不配接受,那么你们就会感到自己也想要人人都和你们一同享受这样的特权,这样一来我们就成为与上帝同工的人了。这才正是我们的工作。{TDG 223.4}
It is not only the minister that is to say, “Come,” but let him that heareth say, “Come.” Then you must hear to a purpose, and as you hear the message you begin to talk it, and you say, “Come.” The coming to you is everything. And as you see that you may come, the privilege is so large, so undeserving, that you feel that you want everybody to have the same privilege with yourself, so that we are laborers together with God. That is our work. {TDG 223.5}
上帝说:“来!”圣灵说:“来!”新妇说:“来!”凡听见的人也都说:“来!”啊,但愿有更多的人要以他们始终如一的敬虔生活和口中的话语说:“来!”……你们不但要用说教的方式,更要以身作则带着活生生的榜样,证明天国是赋有价值的,基督教的信仰也是值得努力追求的。(《文稿》1891年10号,8月2日){TDG 223.5}
God says, “Come,” the Spirit says, “Come,” the Bride says, “Come,” and whosoever heareth says, “Come.” Oh, that more will with consistent godly life and with the words of their lips say, “Come.” ... It is not only by precept, but by example that you carry the living example with you that heaven is worth something, that Christianity is worth striving for.—Manuscript 10, August 2, 1891,. {TDG 223.6}
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