八月四日 言语是很重要的
Words Are Important, August 4
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14. {TDG 225.1}
我们都需要研究基督的生平和祂所给予的教训,这样,我们就可明白,在我们彼此间该怎样行事为人了。要珍重上帝圣灵抚慰的感化力。要记得言语如果用得恰当,正是一项大有价值的才干;也要记得人心里所充满的,口里就说出来。更要记得凭你的话要定你为义,也要凭你的话定你有罪。没有经过思考的话语,往往会造成那不说就不会有的种种困难。{TDG 225.1}
We all need to study the life of Christ and the lessons He gave, that we may know how to conduct ourselves in our relation with one another. Cherish the soothing influence of the Spirit of God. Remember that speech is a talent of great value, if used aright, and that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Remember also that by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Unadvised words often create difficulties which otherwise would not exist. {TDG 225.2}
我们生在这个世界上原是要作上帝的儿女,并要为将来永恒不朽的生命作准备。不要讲说那些无情轻率的话语。你在和家里的人交际来往时要小心,只说那些可以安慰鼓励人的和善亲切的话。不要忘了:小小亲善的行为,对于家中那只有他自己明白是怎样与弱病奋斗的人,却有极大的帮助。{TDG 225.2}
We are placed in this world to be children of God and to prepare for the future immortal life. Speak no unkind, thoughtless words. As you associate in family relationship, be careful to speak kind, tender words, which will comfort and encourage. Do not forget the little acts of kindness which do so much to help the member of the family who is struggling with infirmities which no one but himself can understand. {TDG 225.3}
一个人坚持自己的意见是不值得的,在无关重要的小事上不肯让步,这样就会给家中带来苦恼与忿怒。人生太短促,充满太多的忧患。我们实在没有多余的时间,可以用来伤害任何痛苦受试探之心的了。{TDG 225.3}
It does not pay to persist in having one’s own way, to be unwilling to yield in the little things which are of small consequence, thus bringing bitterness and wrath into the home. Life is too short, too full of sorrow. We have no time to spare for the bruising of any sore, tempted heart. {TDG 225.4}
但愿每一个人都要和和气气的,并且为别人设想。不可含怒到日落(弗4:26)。在没有把那伤害人心灵的细小急躁的纠纷困难改正之前,决不闭眼入睡。……{TDG 225.4}
Let each one be kind and considerate of the other. Never let the sun go down upon your wrath. Never close your eyes in sleep without making right the little, pettish difficulties which hurt and bruise the soul.... {TDG 225.5}
什么时候你受了试探想要作不聪明的打算,或要说出不聪明的话语,当时就该跪下来祈祷,直到你在耶稣里得到了安息为止。我确信祂是决不会离弃你的。你或许因为你所说急躁的话而自责自嘲,但要记得耶稣可怜你,只要你肯听从祂的吩咐,祂也必医治你的身体和心灵。这里有祂对你所说的话:“让他持住我的能力,使他与我和好;愿他与我和好”(赛27:5)。{TDG 225.5}
When you are tempted to think or speak unwisely, kneel wherever you are, and pray till you find rest in Jesus. I am sure that He will not leave you or forsake you. You may scorn yourself because of your passionate utterances, but remember that Jesus pities you, and that He will heal you, body and soul, if you will do His bidding. Here is His word to you, “Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me” (Isaiah 27:5). {TDG 225.6}
耶稣希望在你的心灵中造成属天的和谐。要本着确信和希望而不是存着沮丧失望的心,去研读祂的圣言。要聆听上帝向你所说赐福的话语。与基督同行就意味着:虽然眼不能见,但却深信基督是在与你同行的。(《信函》1901年104号,8月4日,致E. K.比曼){TDG 225.6}
Jesus desires to make celestial harmony in your soul. Read His words, not with discouragement, but with confidence and hope. Listen to the blessed words which God speaks to you. Walking with Christ means to believe that, though unseen, Christ is walking with you.—Letter 104, August 4, 1901, to E. K. Beaman. {TDG 225.7}
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