八月五日 披戴基督的义
Covered by Christ’s Righteousness, August 5
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. Philippians 3:9. {TDG 226.1}
身穿肮脏衣服站在上帝使者面前的约书亚,代表那般宗教生活有缺点,曾经被撒但的试探所胜、不配蒙受上帝恩宠的人。现今世人都身穿肮脏的衣服站在上帝面前。他们的义都像“污秽的衣服”(赛64:6)。撒但在运用他那巧妙的控诉力对付他们,指出他们的瑕疵缺点作为他们软弱的证据。他又轻蔑地指出那些自称为上帝服务之人的错处来。他们已经受了他的欺骗,因此他就请求准许毁灭他们。{TDG 226.1}
Joshua, standing before the angel of the Lord with defiled garments, represents those whose religious life has been faulty, who have been overcome by Satan’s temptations, and are unworthy of God’s favor. Today human beings stand before God with defiled garments. All their righteousness is “as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). Satan uses against them his masterly accusing power, pointing to their imperfections as evidence of their weakness. He points scornfully at the mistakes of those who claim to be doing God service. They have been deceived by him, and he begs for permission to destroy them. {TDG 226.2}
但是他们信赖基督,基督也决不丢弃他们。祂到这个世界上来要除去他们的罪孽,又将祂的义归给他们。祂声称他们藉着相信祂的名可以获得赦免,并要完成与基督相似的品格。他们既已向祂承认自己的罪,又要求过饶恕,因此基督就声明由于他们仰望而且信靠祂,祂就必赐给他们权利作上帝的儿女。{TDG 226.2}
But they trust in Christ, and Christ will not forsake them. He came to this world to take away their sins, and to impute to them His righteousness. He declares that through faith in His name they may receive forgiveness, and perfect Christlike characters. They have confessed their sins to Him, and have asked for pardon, and Christ declares that because they look to and believe on Him, He will give them power to become sons of God. {TDG 226.3}
他们的品格原是有缺点的,但因为他们既不依仗自己的功劳,又没有原谅自己的罪过,更因为他们已经靠赖基督的功劳要求饶恕,于是主就悦纳他们,并且责备撒但。他们既已谦卑己心,承认己罪,因此祂就拒绝不听仇敌的控诉。祂已经向这些悔罪改过的人广行赦免,只要他们继续相信祂并且倚靠祂,祂就必在他们里面一直进行祂那救赎之爱的工作。{TDG 226.3}
Their characters are defective, but because they have not trusted in their own merits and excused their sins, because they have asked for forgiveness through the merits of Christ, the Lord receives them, and rebukes Satan. Because they have humbled themselves, confessing their sins, He refuses to listen to the enemy’s accusations. He has abundantly pardoned the penitent ones, and will carry forward in them His work of redeeming love if they will continue to believe in Him and to trust Him. {TDG 226.4}
凡是藉着神圣恩典已经克服自己过失缺欠的人,都要教导别人怎样得胜,向他们指出那能力的“根源”来。每一个悔改的人都得蒙赐予特权,去帮助自己四围那些还没有得以在他所蒙光亮中喜乐的人们。他们也可以明白那临到他的快乐。“凡接待祂的,就是信祂名的人,祂就赐他们权柄,作上帝的儿女”(约1:12)。他们也可以在世上取得为上帝作擎光者的地位。(《信函》1903年173号,8月5日,致 “我亲爱的弟兄们”) {TDG 226.4}
Those who, by divine grace, have gained the mastery over their faults, are to teach others how to overcome, pointing them to the Source of strength. To every converted soul is given the privilege of helping those around him who do not rejoice in the light in which he is standing. They also may know the joy that has come to him. “As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). They may take their place in the world as God’s light bearers.—Letter 173, August 5, 1903, to “My Dear Brethren.” {TDG 226.5}
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