八月十四日 挪亚的时代和我们的时代
Noah’s Time and Ours, August 14
By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Hebrews 11:7. {TDG 235.1}
那定这世界有罪的,乃是挪亚贯彻始终的信心与行为的合而为一。他不但传讲适合那个时代的当代真理,而且也实行了所讲的每一项教训。即使他从没有扬声传讲警告,他的行为、他那在败坏和不敬虔之人中所有的圣善品格、对于那个时代不信与放荡的人,也就足以作为谴责的训戒了。他在那足以惹气激怒的侮辱、谩骂、和嘲弄之下,自己仍然保持着像基督一样的忍耐与柔和。所常听到的声音是他向上帝祷告,祈求祂的能力和帮助,好遵行上帝的一切诫命。这对于不信的人,也正是一种谴责的能力。{TDG 235.1}
It was through Noah’s consistent faith and works combined that condemned the world. He not only preached the present truth appropriate for that time, but he acted every sermon. Had he never lifted his voice in warning, his works, his holy character among the corrupt and ungodly would have been condemning sermons to the unbelieving and dissolute of that age. He bore himself with a Christlike patience and meekness under the provoking insults, taunts, and mockery. His voice was often heard in prayer to God for His power and help that he might do all the commandments of God. This was a condemning power to the unbelieving. {TDG 235.2}
可是时候一到,挪亚要向那有罪的人类发出最后的恳劝了。他仍然再一次劝他们听信警告的信息,到方舟里寻得避难所。他本着富有同情的声音,伸出他的双手来恳求他们。他以颤抖的嘴辱和悲悯的泪眼告诉他们,他的工作完成了,可是那大量临到挪亚身上的,却是高声粗暴的嘲弄讥笑和更坚决的侮辱。那落在他耳中的,竟是狂热、盲信、疯癫的指摘。他只得向他们全体告别,自己和家属进入方舟,于是上帝就把门关了。那把挪亚关在里面的门,也把世人关在外面了。在挪亚的时代,那是一道关闭的门。而且把他关进去的乃是主。直到当时为止,上帝曾经敞开过一道门,只要古时代的世人相信那从上帝所传给他们的信息,他们就可以从而寻得避难所。可惜这时门已关闭,而且也再没有人能打开它了。恩典的宽限已经截止了。{TDG 235.2}
But the time comes when the last appeal of Noah is made to the guilty race. He bids them yet once again heed the message of warning and find refuge in the ark. He stretches out his hands in supplication with voice full of sympathy. With quivering lip and tearful eye, he tells them his work is done, but the loud, coarse mocking and scoffs and insults more determined are heaped upon Noah. Enthusiast, fanatic, crazy, falls upon his ear. He bids them all farewell, he and his family enter the ark, and God shut the door. That door that shut Noah in, shut out the world. It was a shut door in Noah’s time. And the Lord shut him in. Up to that time, God had opened a door whereby the inhabitants of the old world might find refuge if they believed the message sent to them from God. But that door was now shut and no man could open it. Probation was ended. {TDG 235.3}
上帝长期的宽容已经终止,那记在上帝案卷中的数字越积越多,不义的恶杯已经满盈了。这时慈怜止息,公义却已拿起报仇的刀剑来。……{TDG 235.3}
The long forbearance of God had ceased, the figures in the books of God’s reckoning had been accumulating, the cup of the unjust was full. Mercy then ceased and justice took the sword of vengeance.... {TDG 235.4}
在挪亚的时代有一道关闭的门。在所多玛遭毁灭的时候,对那些不信的人也有一道关闭的门,但对罗得却有一道敞开的门。对推罗的居民有一道关闭的门,对耶路撒冷不信的居民也有一道关闭的门。……但是对那班顺服上帝的谦卑相信的人,却有一道敞开的门。在末日的时候,情形也必是这样。(《文稿》1885年17号,8月14日, “船上默想”) {TDG 235.4}
There was a shut door in Noah’s time. There was a shut door to the unbelievers in the destruction of Sodom, but an open door to Lot. There was a shut door to the inhabitants of Tyrus, a shut door to the inhabitants of Jerusalem ... who disbelieved, but an open door to the humble, the believing, those who obeyed God. Thus it will be at the end of time.—Manuscript 17, August 14, 1885, “Shipboard Meditations.” {TDG 235.5}
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