九月二十七日 不要忽略小事
Don’t Neglect Little Things, September 27
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. Matthew 6:27, 28. {TDG 279.1}
我应邀(向加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的大批听众)证道,讲到为每一个生灵所必须做的深切而彻底之工作的重要性,以便力上加力,又提到应作更热诚的努力,藉着教训和榜样帮助一切与我们接触的人,靠赖我们的主救主耶稣基督,尽力把这一工作彻底的为他们做成。{TDG 279.1}
I was called out to speak [to a large audience in Oakland, California] on the necessity of the deep and thorough work essential for every soul, that it may be strengthened with all might, and how there should be most earnest efforts made to help all with whom we are brought into connection, by precept and example, to strive for this thorough work to be done for them through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. {TDG 279.2}
大多数的人可能感觉自己的属灵情况受到欺骗。我们若在基督里就必得胜。在祂身上我们有了完全的“模范”。祂虽然以深切痛恨的心恨透了罪恶,却仍能为罪人哀哭。祂原具有神性,但同时却像小孩子一样的谦卑。祂圣德中的品质,也是我们的品格所必须具有的,那就是不偏不倚地坚持克尽义务,任何障碍或危难都不能使祂转变,同时祂的心也充满了慈怜,以致因受人类种种祸患的感动而生发出最亲切的同情来。祂决不能越过他们不顾,因为祂正是那位大医师,要医治人类所有的疾病。{TDG 279.2}
A great many are likely to be deceived in regard to their spiritual condition. In Christ we shall have the victory. In Him we have a perfect Model. While He hated sin with a perfect hatred, He could weep over the sinner. He possessed the divine nature, while He had the humility of a little child. He had in His character that which we must have in our characters, undeviating perseverance in the path of duty, from which no obstacles or dangers could divert Him, while His heart was so full of compassion that the woes of humanity touched His heart with tenderest compassion. He could not pass them by, for He was the Great Physician to heal the maladies of the human race. {TDG 279.3}
祂原是天上的大君,虽然为将来从事工作,却也负责调整现在的事故;虽然不忽略小事,却仍在为一个堕落世界的居民,进行最巨大的计划。{TDG 279.3}
He was the Majesty of heaven, doing work for the future and yet taking up and adjusting matters for the present; neglecting not the smaller matters, yet working out the mightiest plans for the inhabitants of a fallen world. {TDG 279.4}
可爱的救主耶稣,竟向祂的听众谈到有关他们生活的普通职责,他们为衣着的忧虑,和他们的饮食问题。祂教导他们虽然必须经常地担负这种重担,但这一类的事却不应吸引了他们全部的注意。祂向他们指出飞鸟,告诉他们甚至连一只小麻雀,他们的天父也都照顾。祂既然维持着诸世界,并且照顾小小的鸟儿,那么,祂该是多么地眷爱着那些按着祂形像所造的呢!祂指着美丽的小草,虽然它们只不过一天就要被割下,装扮却胜过所罗门的荣华,难道你们不比它们更贵重么?(《文稿》0889年21号,9月27日,日记){TDG 279.4}
Jesus, the precious Saviour, talked to His hearers in regard to their common duties of life, their care for dress, and their eating and drinking. He taught them that these things should not become a matter of absorbing interest, as though they must continually carry this burden. He pointed them to the birds and told them that their heavenly Father cares for even the little sparrow. He sustains the worlds, yet cares for the little birds, and how much more will He care for those who are formed in His image. He pointed to the flowers of glowing beauty, invited them to consider these, and declared that in their naked simplicity they outvie the glory of Solomon; and yet they are cut down in a day. Are ye not much better than they?—Manuscript 21, September 27, 1889, diary. {TDG 279.5}
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