九月二十八日 向着标竿直跑
Press Toward the Mark, September 28
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14. {TDG 280.1}
我们大家都有经验要获得,也都有十字架要背负。如果我们只热心考究自己的安乐,满足自己的愿望和爱好,到了最后审判报应的那一天,我们就必显出亏欠来。如果我们是为他人谋福,为荣耀上帝而生活,我们就不会专顾自己,而是力求在世上作有用的人,造福人群,并且将来我们要从主的口中得到那“做的好”的福份。{TDG 280.1}
We all have an experience to gain and crosses to lift. If we study our own pleasure and gratify our own desires and taste, we shall be found wanting in the day of retribution and rewards. If we live to do others good and to glorify God, we shall not be considerate of ourselves, but shall seek to be of use in the world, blessing humanity, and we shall receive the blessing of “Well done” from the lips of the Master. {TDG 280.2}
我们应当为来世而生活。单度一种随便而漫无目标的生活,实在是非常不幸的。我们的人生必须要有一个目的──要度一种有宗旨的生活。但愿上帝帮助我们大家都要存心牺牲自己,少专顾自己,多忘记自我和自私的利益;更要行善,并不是期望在今世得到尊荣,而是因为这才是我们人生目的,也能符合我们生存宗旨的缘故。但愿我们每天的祈祷都升达上帝面前,好使祂除去我们的自私自利。……{TDG 280.2}
We should live for the next world. It is so wretched to live a haphazard, aimless life. We want an object in life—to live for a purpose. God help us all to be self-sacrificing, less self-caring, more forgetful of self and selfish interest; and to do good, not for the honor we expect to receive here, but because this is the object of our life and will answer the end of our existence. Let our daily prayer go up to God that He will divest us of selfishness.... {TDG 280.3}
我看出那班为一定宗旨而生活,力求加惠并造福同胞,并归荣耀与自己救赎主的人,实在是世上真正幸福的人;可是那忙碌不停、不知满足、总是谋谋这样试试那样,希望要寻求幸福的人,却总是大为失望而怨天尤人的。他总是感到有所缺少,从来都不满足,这是因为他专为自己而生活的缘故。但愿行善成为你的目的,忠心地竭尽你人生的本份。{TDG 280.3}
I have seen that those who live for a purpose, seeking to benefit and bless their fellow men and to honor and glorify their Redeemer, are the truly happy ones on the earth, while the man who is restless, discontented, and seeking this and testing that, hoping to find happiness, is always complaining of disappointment. He is always in want, never satisfied, because he lives for himself alone. Let it be your aim to do good, to act your part in life faithfully. {TDG 280.4}
紧张和刺激总是免不了的。人们狂热地把自己的资金,投在债券和股票方面,一日之间就发财致富,而仍不满足。他们疯狂的期望继续投资下去。银行的股票贬值,有人早上还是百万富翁,到了晚上便成为乞丐,以致他们认为最好解决了事的办法,就是手枪、上吊绳子、或海湾的水了。金钱原是一种福惠,只要使用它的人,认为自己乃是主的管家,因此他们是在处理主的资本,到了一天必须为自己的管家职责交账就是。圣经所谴责的乃是:贪财为万恶之根──这种贪心促使人一旦失去钱财,就使上帝所赐给他的宝贵生命因钱财丧失而变成没有价值的了。(《信函》1872年17号,9月28日,致埃德森.怀特){TDG 280.4}
There is hurry and excitement. Men feverishly invest their capital of money in bonds and stocks, become wealthy in a day, and yet are unsatisfied. They continue to invest with insane expectancy. The bank stock goes down, the millionaire in the morning is a beggar at night and the way they think best to end the matter is with pistol, rope, or the waters of the bay. Money is a blessing when those who use it consider that they are the Lord’s stewards, that they are handling the Lord’s capital, and must one day give account of their stewardship. It is the love of money which the Bible condemns as the root of all evil—such love that when a man loses money the precious life God has given him is made of no account because money is gone.—Letter 17, September 28, 1872, to J. E. White. {TDG 280.5}
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