九月二十九日 你的事也就是上帝的事
Your Business Is God’s Business, September 29
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29. {TDG 281.1}
基督的真信徒视每一笔交易为信仰的一部分,就象祷告一样。研究圣经也必被认为是他宗教的一部分,因为他藉此得以明白自己所奉行的命令。人按照圣经的指示,认为自己乃是上帝的仆人,是从事遵行祂旨意的。如果让他自作决定的话,有时他也会发现这些命令和自己的意愿相反,但他并不因此就对自己的工作吹毛求疵。而且在他尽力完成主的旨意时,上帝的天使就要与他同在,作他对付撒但诡计的保障。上帝的圣言要作我们每天的导师。这就是我们在一切患难中唯一安慰的真来源;也是我们在工作上,唯一鼓励和指导的真来源。{TDG 281.1}
By the true follower of Christ every business transaction will be regarded as a part of his religion, just as prayer is a part of his religion. The study of the Scriptures will be considered a part of his religion, for by this he learns his orders. In the light of the Scriptures man regards himself as God’s servant, employed to do His will. Sometimes he finds these orders opposed to that which he would choose, were the decision left to him, but he does not find fault with his work because of this. And as he seeks to carry out the will of the Master, angels of God are with him, to be his defense against the wiles of Satan. The word of God is to be our daily teacher. This is the only true source of comfort in all our trials, the only true source of encouragement and instruction in our labors. {TDG 281.2}
基督徒要挺身而立作天国原则的代表。他负有神圣的义务、要表扬真理的美善与慈爱。他的言行应当显出温柔、亲切、绝对的诚实来。他既献身给上帝,专供为祂服务而用,就必使自己的宗教信仰得到荣耀。连一丝的自私自利,也不可交织在品格中。我们要培育自己,在所有的事业上,都表扬上帝的圣灵。上帝的圣灵决不致导引上帝儿女的脚步偏离正路。藉着圣灵所赐予的能力,我们可从自己的生活中,除去各样有问题的事物。如果我们能脱离那因缺少信心,而致笼罩心灵的黑暗,自行置身在那能全然降落我们身上,上帝圣言清晰明光照耀之中,我们就必一步一步地得蒙引领,进入那导致圣洁的路途上。……{TDG 281.2}
The Christian is to stand as a representative of the principles of heaven. He is bound by sacred obligations to represent the truth in its virtue and loveliness. Gentleness and kindness and strict truthfulness should mark his words and actions. Consecrated to God, set apart to His service, he will always honor his religious faith. No thread of selfishness is to be woven into the character. We are to educate ourselves to reveal the Spirit of God in all our lifework. The Spirit of God will never lead the steps of God’s children astray. Through the power that the Holy Spirit imparts, we may weed out from our lives every questionable thing. If we will come out of the darkness with which a lack of faith enshrouds the soul, and place ourselves where the clear shining of the light of God’s word can fall fully upon us, we shall be led step by step in the path that leads to holiness.... {TDG 281.3}
我们有权藉着热诚地研究圣言,得以知道在自己的日常生活中,有什么地方我们并没有表现圣言的原理。同时我们既有这面镜子向我们显出自己的缺点毛病,就要凭着诚恳的祈祷和信心设法把它们除掉,并要达到那给予我们的标准。当我们在尽力要迎合上帝所希望我们达到的完全时,上帝的形像就会不知不觉的在言语、行为、和精神上表现出来。这样人就必成为按照神性塑造的了。(《信函》1907年300号,9月29日,致澳大利亚联合会会长奥尔森长老){TDG 281.3}
It is our privilege, by an earnest study of the Word, to learn wherein we are not revealing the principles of that Word in our daily lives. And as the mirror reveals to us our defects, we are to seek by earnest prayer and faith to put them away, and come up to the standard that is given us. As we strive to meet the perfection that God desires for us, insensibly to us the image of God will be revealed in words and works and spirit. The human will become molded to the divine.—Letter 300, September 29, 1907, to Elder O. A. Olsen, president of the Australasian Union Conference. {TDG 281.4}
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