十月五日 最大的诫命
The Great Commandment, October 5
Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Matthew 22:36. {TDG 287.1}
对上帝有至高无上的爱,在彼此之间有毫不自私的爱,这就是全部律法和先知所遵循的两大总纲。凡是好树都结好果子。爱基督的证据就是表现出彼此相爱来。对我们四周围之人的无私之爱,乃是列在真宗教最光明凭证之中的。藉着这一表现,就天天为基督向世人作了美好的见证。{TDG 287.1}
Supreme love for God and unselfish love for one another, these are the two great arms upon which hang all the law and the prophets. A good tree produces good fruit. The evidence of love for Christ is the manifestation of love for one another. Unselfish love for those around us is placed among the brightest evidences of true religion. By it a daily witness in Christ’s favor is borne to the world. {TDG 287.2}
各种食欲和爱好都必须加以克服控制,好使神经得以稳定,头脑能以清楚地认明职责。这事可以藉赖神圣的恩典做成。基督的福音既是职责之声,也是上帝的声音。{TDG 287.2}
The appetites and passions must be subdued and controlled, that the nerves may be steady and the brain able to see duty clearly. This can be done through divine grace. The gospel of Christ is the voice of duty and the voice of God. {TDG 287.3}
不顺从这声音会导致怎样的后果,可从撒但的史迹看出来,他正是因为不顺从就被赶出天国了。一个受造之物,能领受的最大才能与无上恩赐,都已经给予这个遮掩宝座的基路伯路锡甫了。他在没有堕落之前,原是光荣的天使,所占的地位仅次于基督;但他却妄想与上帝同等,以致使自己落到万劫不复的败亡。{TDG 287.3}
What is meant by a failure to obey it is seen in the history of Satan, who for his disobedience was cast out of heaven. The greatest talents and the highest gifts that could be bestowed on a created being were given to Lucifer, the covering cherub. Before his fall he was a glorious being, occupying a position next to Christ, but he sought to be equal with God, and brought upon himself irretrievable ruin. {TDG 287.4}
我们既有这样的教训摆在面前,就当自己藏身在基督里面。祂是一切智慧、一切才干、和一切能力的根源。要认定基督的十字架为我们得救的唯一保证。要仰仗救主为我们舍命,好使我们得以成为基督徒。凡是力图度基督徒生活的人,都是在和魔鬼的虚谎作战。我们能怀疑这种斗争的结果吗?上帝活着,上帝在主宰,祂天天在施行神迹。“凡属基督耶稣的人,是已经把肉体连肉体的邪情私欲同钉在十字架上了”(加5:24)。他们在世人和全宇宙面前,都证明他们乃是尽力照着这下面的话生活为人:“凡是真实的、可敬的、公义的、清洁的、可爱的、有美名的,……这些事你们都要思念”(腓4:8)。{TDG 287.4}
With this lesson before us, let us hide ourselves in Christ. He is the source of all wisdom, all intelligence, all power. Behold in the cross of Christ the only guarantee for our salvation. Behold the Saviour giving His life for us, that we might be Christians. Those who strive to live the life of a Christian are battling against the devil’s lie. Can we doubt the result of this conflict? God lives, God reigns, and daily He is working His miracles. “They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts” (Galatians 5:24). Before the world and the heavenly universe they give evidence that they are trying to live out the words, “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; ... think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). {TDG 287.5}
仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制,是基督徒树上所结的果子。(《信函》1901年21日,写于1900年十月五日,致纽约市的一位布道士){TDG 287.5}
Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, these are the fruits of the Christian tree.—Letter 21, 1901, written October 5, 1900, to an evangelist in New York City. {TDG 287.6}
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