十月六日 练习向天国奔跑
Practice Run for Heaven, October 6
Learn first to shew piety at home. 1 Timothy 5:4. {TDG 288.1}
在许多家庭中,作父母的和作儿女的,在习惯上与外人交往,总比在自己家中更为愉快。这并不是上帝为父母和儿女所原订的计划。要保留一些你们的微笑、称赞、和礼貌,施用在家庭范围之内。你们要力求为人温和、体贴、仁慈,要在家中实行基督化的礼貌。要培养家庭宗教和蔼可亲的精神。……{TDG 288.1}
It has become customary in many families, with parents as well as with children, to be more pleasant when in the society of others than in their own home. This is not the plan that God has devised for parents and children. Save some of your smiles and praise and courtesy for the home circle. You should strive to be tender, thoughtful, kind, to exercise Christian politeness in the home. The gracious spirit of home religion is to be cultivated.... {TDG 288.2}
基督从未讲过一句苛刻或无情的话。祂在被同伴引诱作恶的时候,就口诵诗篇或用圣经的话语,来阻挫仇敌。不要以向基督学习为耻。祂邀请你们说:“我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息。因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”(太11:29,30)。你们在感到激怒生气的时候,要想念到表现这种精神,并不是背负基督的轭,因为祂的轭是顺从、约束、和服务之轭。{TDG 288.2}
Christ never spoke a harsh or an unkind word. When tempted by His associates to do wrong, He would sing from the Psalm, or by some word of Scripture would discourage the enemy. Do not be ashamed to learn of Christ. He invites you, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29, 30). When you feel provoked to anger consider that in manifesting this spirit, you are not wearing the yoke of Christ, which is one of obedience, restraint, service. {TDG 288.3}
作父母和作儿女的总要记得:真正跟从基督的人,必定尽可能地使自己的家,接近作天上家庭的象征,因为他们这样做就是与基督同工、要实施祂国度的律法。读一读基督所教给祂门徒们的祷告。要把那篇祷告实践在生活中。那是为凡愿遵行之人的一次完整的示范。我们有些要向耶稣祈求的事。我们有极大的缺乏和极大的需要,只有祂才能供应。基督所教给祂门徒的这个祷告、就包括了这一切的需要。我们需要蒙饶恕得赦免;但我们惟有饶恕别人赦免别人,我们才可以得到。{TDG 288.3}
Parents and children, bear this in mind, that the true followers of Christ will make their home as nearly as possible a symbol of the home above, for in doing this they are coworkers with Christ to carry out the laws of His kingdom. Read the prayer that Christ taught His disciples. Live that prayer. It is a whole sermon for all who would practice it. We have something to ask of Jesus. We have great wants and great necessities, which He alone can supply. The prayer which Christ taught His disciples covers all these needs. We want pardon, forgiveness; but we can have it only as we shall pardon and forgive others. {TDG 288.4}
基督要求你们的信任。你们靠着自己不能成就什么。你们没有圣灵的帮助,就不会成为和善、真诚、有礼貌、不自私的。……要研究基督的生平,并要在家庭生活中实行你们所明知将来在天国生活中,也就是在天上家庭的社交中必不可少的那些事。我们在今生此世的家庭范围之内,就可以练习那在天上家庭中所有的举止态度。(《文稿》1898年125号,10月6日, “家庭中的教育”) {TDG 288.4}
Christ invites your confidence. Of yourself you can do nothing. You cannot be kind, true, courteous, unselfish, without the Holy Spirit’s help.... Study the life of Christ, and practice in the home life those things which you know will be required of you in the heavenly life, in the society of the heavenly family. In the home circle here we may practice our manners for the family above.—Manuscript 125, October 6, 1898, “Education in the Home.” {TDG 288.5}
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