十月七日 得胜的能力
Power to Overcome, October 7
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. 1 Peter 3:15. {TDG 289.1}
我们现在所生存的这个时代,需要全心全意的助手。我们所声称信仰之教义的实际性质,必定在人的心中留下印象,因为有那些自天而来的信使,与凡是信仰和行为合而为一的工作人员合作。那与耶稣基督有活生生联系的人,他就必有为主作证人所要作的见证。耶稣说:“你们若遵行我所吩咐的,就是我的朋友了”(约15:14)。{TDG 289.1}
The times in which we now live call for whole-souled helpers. The practical character of the doctrines which we profess will make an impression upon hearts, for heavenly messengers cooperate with the worker whose faith and works are combined. He who has a vital connection with Jesus Christ, will have a testimony to bear as a witness for the Master. “Ye are my friends,” said Christ, “if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). {TDG 289.2}
凡实实在在是基督朋友的人,就必作基督的工作。我们总是习惯把没有成圣,没有变化的品性施用在家务和教会之中,这些品性使我们的言语、我们的态度、和我们的作风,不但在家庭当中,也在教会和全宇宙中成为一种过失冒犯了。上帝称它为乖谬的灵(参赛19:14)。{TDG 289.2}
All who in truth are friends of Christ will do the works of Christ. We are so inclined to bring unsanctified, unconverted traits of character into our family government and into the church, and these make our words, our manner, and our spirit, not only an offense in the home, but also to the church and to the whole heavenly universe. God calls it a perverse spirit. {TDG 289.3}
如果大众都能看出上帝是怎样看待那自私易怒的性情,他们就必彻底地轻视自己,也必下定决心努力要铲除自身一切不为人所喜爱的行为了。那最大的欺骗和妄想,就是以为世人自身所有一切不为人所喜爱的品性,在今生毫无改变,而仍能与上帝家族联合的这种意见。{TDG 289.3}
If all could see how God regards the selfish, pettish disposition, they would thoroughly despise themselves, and would make decided efforts to cut away from them every disagreeable action. The idea that men can unite with the family of God with all their disagreeable traits of character unchanged in this life is the greatest deception and delusion. {TDG 289.4}
得胜的能力,既不在乎环境,也不在乎任何活着的世人──不论他的学问有多么大,而是在乎上帝所提供的随时的帮助。真理并不是什么隐藏起来以便私下运用的东西。如果心中有了真理,那接受的人就必表现出生发仁爱以致洁净心灵的信心。它那存在心中的永恒原则,也必随时随在地彰显出来。……{TDG 289.4}
The power to overcome depends, not on circumstances, not on any man living, however learned he may be, but on the ever present help which God supplies. The truth is not something to be kept bottled up for private occasions. If the truth is in the heart the receiver will reveal that faith that works by love, and purifies the soul. Its abiding principles in the heart will be manifested at all times and on all occasions.... {TDG 289.5}
我们一切的成就,我们一切的效能,都在基督里面。我们务必要继续不断地仰仗那较比最伟大的世人权力更高,也较比使徒更高的超越世俗的帮助。我们务必要把自己的信心直接地牢系在基督身上。祂宣布说:“离了我,你们就不能做什麽”(约15:5)。“你们要常在我里面,我也常在你们里面。枝子若不常在葡萄树上,自己就不能结果子;你们若不常在我里面,也是这样”(约15:4)。(《文稿》1897年114号,10月7日,“致忠于基督的人”){TDG 289.5}
All our success, all our efficiency, is in Christ. We must continually look above earthly help, higher than the greatest human power, higher than the apostles. We must fasten our faith directly upon Christ Himself. He has declared, “Without me ye can do nothing” (verse 5). “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me” (verse 4).—Manuscript 114, October 7, 1897, “To the Faithful in Christ Jesus.” {TDG 289.6}
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