十月十七日 口头上的宗教信仰
Lip Service Religion, October 17
If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day. Isaiah 58:10. {TDG 299.1}
目前到处都流行着一种有关对耶稣之爱的似是而非的经验──就是我们所需要的只是:我们必须注重对耶稣的爱,并且信靠耶稣──可是这些生灵务必受到教导,知道心中有对耶稣的爱,就必导致谦卑的人生并服从祂一切的命令。“人若说我认识祂,却不遵守祂的诫命,便是说谎话的,真理也不在他心里了”(约壹2:4)。口头上对耶稣的爱并不会拯救任何生灵,只不过是大欺瞒罢了。(《文稿》1885年26号,10月17日, “初访瑞典,日记”) {TDG 299.1}
There is a spurious experience that is prevailing now everywhere in regard to the love of Jesus—that we must dwell on the love of Jesus, that faith in Jesus is all we need—but these souls must be instructed that the love of Jesus in the heart will lead to humility of life and obedience to all His commandments. “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4). The love of Jesus that goes no farther than the lips will not save any soul, but be a great delusion.—Manuscript 26, October 17, 1885, “First Visit to Sweden, diary.” {TDG 299.2}
有些自称爱耶稣的人乃是骗子,他们所有的宗教信仰,是口惠而实不至的。这种宗教信仰不会改变品格;它也不会表现恩典内在的运行。他们不会显出自己曾经在基督的门下受过教,学过心里柔和谦卑的教训。他们也不会从生活或品格上,表明自己在负着基督的轭,或担着基督的担子。他们并不要达到上帝圣言所给他们的标准,只要达到世人的标准。他们的人生也不像基督生平那样的纯洁。他们没有得蒙圣灵的炼净而成为高尚的。对于真理的道路,他们并不认识,而且他们是列在那般将来会说“主啊,主啊,给我们开门吧!我们不是奉袮的名传道,奉袮的名赶鬼,奉袮的名行许多异能吗?”的人当中。可是基督却要对他们说:“我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧”(太7:23)!(同上){TDG 299.2}
Some who claim to love Jesus are deceivers and all their religion is lip service. It does not transform the character. It does not reveal the inward working of grace. They do not show that they have ever learned in Christ’s school the lessons of meekness and lowliness of heart. They do not show by life or character that they are wearing Christ’s yoke or lifting Christ’s burdens. They are not reaching the standard given them in God’s Word, but a human standard. Their life is not pure like Christ’s life. They are not being refined and ennobled by His Spirit. The way of truth they have not known, and they are of that number who will say, “Lord, Lord, open unto us. We have taught in the streets. We have done many wonderful works.” But Christ will say of them, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:23).—Ibid. {TDG 299.3}
那般拒绝圣经真理的人假装是出于爱耶稣。其实,凡爱耶稣的人却藉作顺命的儿女表示对耶稣的爱。他们一定是行道而不是单单听道的人。他们决不会不断地辩护说:“我们所要作的,就是相信耶稣。”就最完全的意义来说,这原是正确的,但他们并不了解,也不按它最完全的意义来接受。相信耶稣乃是要接受祂作你的救赎主,作你的模范。凡爱耶稣的人必须要学祂的榜样。他们务必亲自跟耶稣有密切的联络,正象枝子跟活葡萄树紧连着一样。他们常住在耶稣里面,耶稣也常住在他们里面;他们是遵行祂话的人,也与祂神圣的性情有份。(同上){TDG 299.3}
Those who reject the truth of the Bible do it under a pretense of loving Jesus. Those who love Jesus will reveal that love by being obedient children. They will be doers of the Word and not hearers only. They will not be continually pleading, “All that we have to do is to believe in Jesus.” This is true in the fullest sense, but they do not comprehend, they do not take it in its fullest sense. To believe in Jesus is to take Him as your Redeemer, as your Pattern. All who love Jesus must follow His example. They must connect themselves with Jesus as closely as the branch is connected with the living vine. They are abiding in Jesus and Jesus is abiding in them and they are doers of His Word, partakers of His divine nature.—Ibid. {TDG 299.4}
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