十一月二十六日 今世和来世的学校
School—Here and Hereafter, November 26
They crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:6. {TDG 339.1}
每一个人必须亲自回应主的邀请:“到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。”(太11:28)……主耶稣已经为你付了学费;你的本分只是向衪学习。在更高学府中所实行的基督化礼仪,要在这低级学校中由老幼信徒实行。{TDG 339.1}
Each one must heed for himself the call, “Come unto me, ... and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).... The Lord Jesus has paid your tuition fees. All that you have to do is to learn of Him. The Christlike politeness practiced in the higher school is to be practiced in this lower school, by both old and young believers. {TDG 339.2}
凡在基督学校中就读的人,必须接受天上生灵的训练。他们决不要忘记自己是世界、天使和世人观察的对象。他们要代表基督,要互相帮助,以获得升入更高学府的资格。他们要彼此帮助,成为纯洁高尚的人,正确认识作上帝儿女的意义。他们要说鼓励的话,扶起软弱的手,加强无力的膝。在每个人的心版上,要像用金钢钻那样刻下:“我什么都不怕,只怕不晓得自己的本分,或忽略自己的本分。”我们目前所处的时代,正是应当极其恳切寻求主的时代。……{TDG 339.2}
All who learn in Christ’s school are under the training of heavenly agencies; and they are never to forget that they are a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. They are to represent Christ. They are to help one another to become worthy of admission into the higher school. They are to help one another to be pure and noble, and to cherish a true idea of what it means to be a child of God. They are to speak encouraging words. They are to lift up the feeble hands and strengthen the feeble knees. Upon every heart there is to be inscribed the words, as with the point of a diamond, “There is nothing that I fear, save that I shall not know my duty, or shall fail to do it.” We are living in a time when we should seek the Lord most earnestly.... {TDG 339.3}
人们有很多的方法,可能把上帝的儿子重新钉在十字架上,使祂再度公开受辱。对于属世事业的崇拜把人心思搞得十分的混乱,以致撒但偷偷地迫近,乘虚而入地闯进来了。他有许多的理论学说,要用来把那般甘愿受引诱的人诱入歧途。世人所抱对于上帝的种种错误见解,全都是经过伪装的怀疑论,是为无神论铺路的。人们由于急躁的言语和自私的行为,常常使基督的心忧愁。这样,撒但就不倦地活动要引诱他们不忠不义了。他既控制人的心意,就留下了长久的印象,那永恒的现实便因此黯然消褪了。{TDG 339.3}
There are many ways in which human beings can crucify the Son of God afresh, and put Him to open shame. The worship of worldly business so confuses the mind that Satan stealthily approaches, and insidiously gains entrance. He has many theories by which to lead astray those who will be led. The erroneous views of God that the world is entertaining are skepticism in disguise, preparing the way for atheism. By hasty words and selfish deeds, men often grieve the heart of Christ. Thus Satan works untiringly to lead them to disloyalty. As he gains control of minds, he makes upon them lasting impressions, and the realities of eternity fade away. {TDG 339.4}
克己自制的精神,和蔼亲切的话语,都是将尊荣归与救主的。凡讲说仁慈亲爱话语;使人和睦的话语,都必丰丰富富得到报赏。我们都是奉差遣的基督的使者,因此我们当以从祂那里学来的柔和谦卑,表显祂的精神。(《信函》1903年257号,11月26日,致J.H.凯洛格医生){TDG 339.4}
A self-controlled spirit, words of love and tenderness, honor the Saviour. Those who speak kind, loving words, words that make for peace, will be richly rewarded. We are the appointed ministers of Christ, and we are to let His Spirit shine forth in the meekness and lowliness learned of Him.—Letter 257, November 26, 1903, to Dr. J. H. Kellogg. {TDG 339.5}
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