十二月十五日 人为的轭
Man-made Yokes, December 15
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12. {TDG 358.1}
这旧的一年,连同它所载的记录,不久就要过去成为永恒,新的一年就要开始了。让我们把过去一年的珍宝收拾起来,把对上帝良善和慈怜的记念,随带着进入这新的一年吧。但愿我们用思念过去的福惠来使前途光明吧。{TDG 358.1}
Soon the old year, with its burden of record, will have passed into eternity, and the new year will have begun. Let us gather up the treasures of the past year, and carry with us into the new year the remembrance of God’s goodness and mercy. Let us brighten the future by the thought of past blessings. {TDG 358.2}
“当恐惧战兢做成你们得救的工夫。因为你们立志行事都是上帝在你们心里运行,为要成就祂的美意”(腓2:12,13)。我们务必要与主耶稣合作。惟有这样,我们才能作成我们这一部分的工作。我们要坚持我们藉着基督所得到的一切。{TDG 358.2}
“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12, 13). We must cooperate with the Lord Jesus. Only thus shall we be able to accomplish our part of the work. We are to hold fast to all we gain through Christ. {TDG 358.3}
啊,凡背负基督之轭的人所有的优势和机会,该是多么地美好啊!我们之所以有困难麻烦临头。乃是因为我们竟为自己造轭,而拒绝去负基督的轭。祂原是我们的效能。祂必赐给我们能力。我们的本份只是要将自己的脚稳稳地立定在永恒真理的基础上;然后我们就可以明白:在我们之上有上帝的护庇。{TDG 358.3}
O what wonderful advantages and opportunities there are for those who wear Christ’s yoke! Our troubles come because we manufacture yokes for ourselves, refusing to wear Christ’s yoke. He is our efficiency. He will give us power. Our part is to plant our feet firmly on the platform of eternal truth; then we may know that over us is the protection of God. {TDG 358.4}
“我们既因信称义,就藉著我们的主耶稣基督得与上帝相和。”(罗5:1)称义的意思就是得蒙饶恕。上帝将基督的义归给祂所认为无罪称义的人,因为救主已经除去我们的罪了。我们已经称义成圣站立在上帝的宝座前。我们已经腾空自我,而且藉着真理得以成圣,有基督常住在我们心里了。……{TDG 358.4}
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1). To be justified means to be pardoned. To those whom God justifies He imputes Christ’s righteousness, for the Saviour has taken away our sin. We stand before the throne of God justified and sanctified. We are emptied of self, and, through the sanctification of the truth, Christ abides in our hearts.... {TDG 358.5}
我们正在受着试炼和考验。但愿天上的主宰将我们紧闭在祂里面,这样,那恶者可能就无力危害我们了。……{TDG 358.5}
We are being tried and tested. May the Lord of heaven shut us in with Him, that the wicked one may have no power over us.... {TDG 358.6}
基督乃是伟大的“工头”,我们是和祂同工的工人。祂有权分派各人当作的工。各人都要确实地去做那分派给他的工作。但愿我们全部忠心地作主所交托在我们手中的工。那忽略自己一定的工作,而去干预别人所负责工作的人,乃是不适当的。时间丧失了,信心受到损伤起了动摇,连工作也遭到阻碍了。什么时候我们学会严密地照应自己特别的工作,主就必帮助我们,同时祂圣工的各部门也必谐和进展了。(《信函》1902年202号,12月15日,致 “我亲爱的弟兄姊妹们”){TDG 358.6}
Christ is the great Master Worker. We are laborers together with Him. He has a right to give each one his work. And let each one be sure to do the work given him. Let us do faithfully the work that the Lord has placed in our minds. He who neglects his definite work for the work that some one else has in charge is out of place. Time is lost, confidence abused and shaken, and the work hindered. When we learn to attend closely to our own special work, the Lord will help us, and all parts of His cause will move in harmony.—Letter 202, December 15, 1902, to “My Dear Brethren and Sisters.” {TDG 358.7}
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