十二月十六日 离奇古怪
Oddities and Eccentricities, December 16
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. 1 Corinthians 2:4. {TDG 359.1}
我们不必奇怪,发现撒但今日会象以往那样作工。我们必须因信而生;因为人非有信,就不能得上帝的喜悦。……自夸公义的主张和吵闹的表现只会导致狂热的经验,混乱许多人的思想。这种事若是受到鼓励,一波狂热就会进入我们的队伍中,会损害上帝的工作,且会将许多人扫入危险的欺骗中。这些事是撒但设计的,为要欺骗人,倘若可能,连选民也要被迷惑了。{TDG 359.1}
We are not surprised to find that Satan will work today as he has worked in the past. We must live by faith; for without faith it is impossible to please God.... Boasting claims of righteousness and noisy demonstrations are calculated to lead to a fanatical experience that will confuse many minds. If such things are encouraged, a wave of fanaticism will come into our ranks that will be detrimental to the work of God, and that will sweep away many souls in a dangerous delusion. These things are designed by Satan to deceive, if possible, the very elect. {TDG 359.2}
我们的特权是以圣灵的明证传讲这道。每一个人都有特权运用对我们主耶稣基督的信心。然而纯洁的属灵生活惟有当人心藉着使人和好的救主基督完全顺服上帝的旨意时才能来到。我们有特权让圣灵对我们动工。藉着运用信心,我们得以与基督耶稣交流,因为基督住在所有柔和谦卑的人心里。有一种信心生发仁爱并且洁净心灵,这种信心给内心带来平安,引领人走在舍己和自我牺牲的道路上。……{TDG 359.2}
It is our privilege to preach the Word in the demonstration of the Spirit. It is the privilege of every soul to exercise faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. But pure spiritual life comes only as the soul surrenders itself to the will of God through Christ, the reconciling Saviour. It is our privilege to be worked by the Holy Spirit. Through the exercise of faith we are brought into communion with Christ Jesus, for Christ dwells in the hearts of all who are meek and lowly. Theirs is a faith that works by love and purifies the soul, a faith that brings peace to the heart, and leads in the path of self-denial and self-sacrifice.... {TDG 359.3}
传讲真道的人,切不要标新立异,因为这样的事,会削弱真道的影响力。我们必须警觉,因为撒但要尽可能地把他的邪恶影响与宗教侍奉搅在一起。不要举行戏剧性的表演,因为这非但不会加强人对上帝圣道的信仰,反而会把注意力转向人。……{TDG 359.3}
Let there be no oddities or eccentricities of movement on the part of those who speak the Word of truth, for such things will weaken the impression that should be made by the Word. We must be guarded, for Satan is determined, if possible, to intermingle with religious services his evil influence. Let there be no theatrical display, for this will not help to strengthen belief in the Word of God. Rather it will divert attention to the human instrument.... {TDG 359.4}
那些确实在圣灵影响之下的人,必藉着实际应用真理的永恒原则来显明圣灵的能力。他们必显明那圣洁的油从两个橄榄枝倒进心灵圣殿的房间。他们的言语必充满圣灵的能力,软化和折服人心,必显明所说的话就是灵,就是生命。(《信函》1908年352号,致加州区会会长S.N.赫斯格长老,1908年12月16日){TDG 359.4}
Those who are really under the influence of the Holy Spirit, will reveal its power by a practical application of the eternal principles of truth. They will reveal that the holy oil is emptied from the two olive branches into the chambers of the soul temple. Their words will be imbued with the power of the Holy Spirit to soften and subdue the heart. It will be manifest that the words spoken are spirit and life.—Letter 352, December 16, 1908, to Elder S. N. Haskell, president of the California Conference. {TDG 359.5}
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