十二月十七日 论守圣诞节
Observing Christmas, December 17
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:9, 10. {TDG 360.1}
12月25日已经长久用来作为纪念耶稣诞生的节日了……我并没有意思确定或怀疑在这一天庆祝这一件大事是否适当,却要着重在我们救主的童年和生活方面。我的目的是要唤起儿童注意救赎主到这世上来所采取的谦卑方式。{TDG 360.1}
The 25th of December has long been commemorated as the day of Jesus’ birth, and ... it is not my purpose to affirm or question the propriety of celebrating this event on this day, but to dwell upon the childhood and life of our Saviour. It is my purpose to call the attention of the children to the humble manner in which the Redeemer came to the world. {TDG 360.2}
全天庭都关怀基督降世这件大事。天上报信的使者下来,向那班夜间在伯利恒平原上看守羊群的卑微牧人,报告那久已应许而且长期盼望之救主的诞生。在救主诞生时所最先引起牧人们注意的现象,就是那在繁星闪烁的天空中所照耀出来的荣光,这光使他们充满了惊奇和赞赏。……大为惊愕的牧人们很难明白天使所报给他们这宝贵的信息,因此在那辉煌荣光消逝之后,他们就彼此商议说:“我们往伯利恒去,看看所成的事,就是主所指示我们的。他们急忙去了,就寻见马利亚和约瑟,又有那婴孩卧在马槽里;既然看见,就把天使论这孩子的话传开了”(路2:15-17)。……{TDG 360.2}
All heaven was interested in the great event of Christ’s advent to earth. Heavenly messengers came to make known the birth of the long-promised, long-expected Saviour to the humble shepherds who were watching their flocks by night on the plains of Bethlehem. The first manifestation that attracted the notice of the shepherds at the birth of the Saviour, was a radiant light in the starry heavens, which filled them with wonder and admiration.... The astonished shepherds could scarcely comprehend the precious message borne to them by the angels, and when the radiant light had passed away, they said one to another, “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child” (Luke 2:15-17).... {TDG 360.3}
耶稣向堕落世界所显示的,是多么无可比拟的爱啊!如果天使因为救主降生在伯利恒而歌唱,我们的心难道不应当响应这喜乐的曲调,说:愿荣耀归与至高之处的上帝,和平临到地上祂所喜爱的人吗?我们虽然并不晓得基督诞生的确定日期,但我们仍应敬重这一神圣的大事。但愿没有什么人心地那么窄狭,只因为那正确的日期不能确定,就不注意这件大事。我们要尽我们所能的,使孩子们专心注意在那些对于凡爱耶稣的人是很宝贵的事上。我们要教导他们:耶稣是怎样的到这世上来,把希望、安慰、和平与福乐带给一切的人。……但愿我们大家的心都以极大的喜乐响应赐下上帝儿子这一无价之宝的恩赐。(《评论与通讯》1889年12月17日){TDG 360.3}
What matchless love Jesus has manifested for a fallen world! If angels sang because the Saviour was born in Bethlehem, shall not our hearts echo the glad strain, Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to men? Although we do not know the exact day of Christ’s birth, we would honor the sacred event. May the Lord forbid that any one should be so narrow minded as to overlook the event because there is an uncertainty in regard to the exact time. Let us do what we can to fasten the minds of the children upon those things which are precious to everyone who loves Jesus. Let us teach them how Jesus came into the world to bring hope, comfort, peace, and happiness to all.... Let the hearts of all respond with exceeding joy for the priceless gift of the Son of God.—The Review and Herald, December 17, 1889. {TDG 360.4}
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