二月十三日 由衷的服事
Heart Service, February 13
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. Luke 10:27. {TDG 52.1}
心乃是整个人的要塞,因此在人心还没有归向主这一边以前,仇敌就必找出没有设防的进口,乘隙而入地侵占;“当恐惧战兢,作成你们得救的工夫。因为你们立志行事,都是上帝在你们心里运行,为要成就祂的美意”(腓2:11-13)。你们如果想享有亮光,就务必聪明地珍惜它,并且不断地运用信心,而绝不受情感的控制。喜爱而且持守真理,并把它当作神圣的恩赋,这就显明圣灵已经将真理栽培在心中了。于是,爱就要在心里面成为活水的泉源,涌流不息,直到永生。工作人员既有这样的爱存在心中,那么他对于基督的工作就再也不会感到厌倦了。{TDG 52.1}
The heart is the citadel of the whole man, and until the heart is wholly on the Lord’s side, the enemy will find unguarded entrances through which he can take possession. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12, 13). If you would have light, you must intelligently cherish it, and constantly exercise faith, and not be controlled by feeling. It is evident that truth has been planted in the heart by the Holy Spirit when it is loved and cherished, and regarded as a sacred endowment. Love will then spring up in the heart like a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life. When this love is in the heart, the worker will find no weariness in the work of Christ. {TDG 52.2}
对于自天而来的亮光,连一线也不可怀疑不信,。主已经以极大的权能向你们彰显了祂的恩典,祂的怜悯,和祂的慈爱;而那指控上帝的工作为过分刺激、又称它为宗教狂热的人,实在是立身危险的境地。这种人如果不掉转脚步,他们的良心就必越来越麻木不仁;对于上帝的圣灵,也必越来越不重视了。至于上帝的信息,那为他们也必成为越来越难明白的。为什么呢?──因为他们是一直在得罪圣灵;而他们抗拒的结果,致使他们不但自甘堕落到无法认识上帝圣灵的地步,反倒抵挡上帝可能用来拯救他们免于沉沦的各种助力助益。“袮既作这些事,还显什么神迹给我们看呢”(约2:18)?这是当年犹太人向基督所提出来的问题;其实那时祂的生活和品德,祂的教训与异能奇事,却无一不是频频显明祂神性与神圣使命的神迹。{TDG 52.2}
Let not one ray of light from heaven be held in questioning and doubt. In great power the Lord has revealed to you His grace, His mercy, and His love; and He who charges the work of God to undue excitement, and calls it fanaticism, is certainly standing on dangerous ground. If such do not retrieve their steps, their consciences will become less and less sensitive, and they will have less and less appreciation of the Spirit of God. It will become harder and harder for them to understand the message of God. Why?—Because they are sinning against the Holy Ghost; and as a result of their resistance, they place themselves where they cannot recognize the Spirit of God, but set themselves against every instrumentality that God might use to save them from ruin. “What sign shewest thou?” (John 2:18) said the Jews to Christ, when at the same time His life and character, His lessons and miracles, were continual signs of His holy mission and divinity. {TDG 52.3}
当上帝在人心里作工,吸引他们归向基督时,似乎有一种令人叹服的力量临到他们,他们就相信了,让自己接受上帝之灵的感化。但是如果他们不保持上帝所赐的宝贵胜利,却让旧习惯和旧行为死灰复燃,放纵享乐和世俗的奢侈,忽略祷告,停止抵抗罪恶,他们就会接受撒但的诱惑,以致怀疑自己先前经验的真实性。(《评论与通讯》1894年2月13日){TDG 52.3}
When God moves upon the hearts of men to draw them to Christ, it seems that a compelling power comes over them, and they believe, and give themselves up to the influence of the Spirit of God. But if they do not maintain the precious victory that God has given; if they permit old practices and habits to revive, and indulge in amusement or worldly luxury; if they neglect prayer, and cease resisting evil, then Satan’s temptations are accepted, and they are led to doubt the verity of their former experience.—The Review and Herald, February 13, 1894. {TDG 52.4}
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