二月二十一日 靠祂的能力刚强
Strong in His Strength, February 21
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Romans 6:12. {TDG 60.1}
要不断地向耶稣学习,不断地增加信心,并在恩典和真理的知识上长进。我们正在进行一件重大的工作,而且有主作是我们的帮助者,是我们的后盾。祂决不至撇下或弃绝我们。上帝的天使也参加了这…将警告信息传给世人的工作。我们靠着自己什么都不能做。缺少了如果没有主的灵,我们就像水一般地软弱。我们的力量就在乎藏身在耶稣里面。要使基督显为全然可爱的主那一位,超乎万人之上的领袖。{TDG 60.1}
Be constantly learning of Jesus, constantly increasing in faith and growing in grace and the knowledge of the truth. We are doing a great work, and the Lord is our Helper, the Lord is our Shield. He will not leave nor forsake us. Angels of God are engaged in this work of proclaiming the message of warning for the world. Of ourselves we can do nothing. We are as weak as water without the Spirit of the Lord. Our strength is in hiding in Jesus. Let Christ appear as the One altogether lovely, and the chief among ten thousand. {TDG 60.2}
我还劝你要好好照顾上帝所赐给你的住所。不可容罪在你这必死的身上作王,也不可徒然消耗上帝所赐给你的体力,倒要珍惜你的力量,要把你完全的信赖寄托在全备的救主身上。祂希望你要作一个得胜者,最后要头戴珍珠的冠冕。{TDG 60.2}
Again, I exhort you to take good care of the habitation which God has given you. Let not sin reign in your mortal body, and do not waste the physical powers God has given you, but cherish your strength, putting your whole trust in a perfect Saviour. He wants you to be victorious and wear a jeweled crown at last. {TDG 60.3}
天国,那和美的天国,乃是圣徒永久的家乡。不久以后我们就要安息了。因此我们要善用我们的能力,而不致枉费滥用,这么一来,上帝就可能使它们有所增添加以圣化,并将它们提供作最崇高服务之用。但愿主与你非常亲近,……并且赐给你有强大的感化力,足以打倒荒谬、迷信和撒但的作为。{TDG 60.3}
Heaven, sweet heaven, is the saint’s eternal home. We shall rest by and by. Let us then so use our powers as not abusing them, that God may increase and sanctify them and make them of the highest service. May the Lord come very near you, ... and give you a strong influence to beat down error and superstition and the works of Satan. {TDG 60.4}
我们可以向上帝要求伟大的事物,祂也必赐给我们。我们应当在祂的能力中刚强起来。你既然遵照圣经真理的高尚标准生活为人,又向别人传讲,那你就必遭受一般传道人员的反对;藐视与嘲笑,诽谤与谎言更必随之而来。你的动机、你的话语、你的行为都必被人误解、误传,并受到指责。但是,只要你不顾别人是怎样的辱骂,仍然推进工作,只要你行为正当,只要你是和善仁慈忍耐,存心谦卑,在上帝里欢喜快乐,你就一定会具有感化力的。你一定会得到所有诚实知理的人的同情。{TDG 60.4}
We may ask of God great things and He will give them us. We shall be strong in His strength. You will receive opposition from the clergy as you live up to, and present to others, the high standard of the religion of the Bible; contempt and jeering, slander and falsehood will follow you. Your motives, your words, your actions will be misunderstood and misrepresented and condemned. But, if you pursue the work irrespective of the abuse given you, if you do right, if you are kind and patient, humble in spirit, happy in God, you will have influence. You will receive the sympathy of all those who are honest and reasonable. {TDG 60.5}
要高举生命之道,那反对风暴的愤怒必将耗尽而终于平息。大喊大叫必渐渐消失。……凡是忠诚敬畏上帝的人,必定会看出、感到并且顺应真理的和谐。(《信函》1879年16号,2月21日,致丹麦布道士先驱J.G.马特森长老){TDG 60.5}
Hold forth the Word of life, the tempest of opposition will spend itself by its own fury and will subside. The clamor will die away.... The harmony of truth will be seen and will be felt and will be obeyed by the honest and God-fearing.—Letter 16, February 21, 1879, to Elder J. G. Matteson, pioneer minister in Denmark. {TDG 60.6}
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