二月二十五日 信靠与顺从
Trust and Obey, February 25
Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.... Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. Jeremiah 17:5-7. {TDG 64.1}
现今有许多人也像基督时代的犹太人一样,听是听了,也相信了,可是却不愿放弃原来的地位、登上顺命之台,领受那在耶稣里的真理。他们害怕丧失属世的优势利益。他们的心意虽然赞同真理,但要顺从,那就意味着要背起克己牺牲的十字架,而且不再信赖世人,也不再倚靠血肉之躯了,因此他们就转身离弃了十字架。他们原来可以坐在耶稣的脚前,天天跟祂学习──这位若正确地认识这位主,正确就有永恒的生命的主学习,──可惜他们却不愿意。{TDG 64.1}
Like the Jews in the days of Christ, many today hear and believe, but are not willing to step out upon the platform of obedience, and accept the truth as it is in Jesus. They are afraid of losing worldly advantages. Their minds assent to the truth but to obey means to lift the cross of self-denial and sacrifice, and to cease trusting in man and making flesh their arm, and they turn away from the cross. They might sit at the feet of Jesus, learning daily of Him whom to know aright is life eternal, but they are not willing. {TDG 64.2}
每一个得蒙拯救的人,都必须放弃他那些荣耀自己、野心勃勃的计划,而追随耶稣所引的道路。悟性务必投交给基督,让祂加以清洁、改善,并且炼净。人若对主耶稣的教训予以正确的领受,往往就必有这样的效果。自我天天消逝死去并不是一件容易的事,甚至即使当讲述上帝恩典的奇妙故事,连同讲述祂向心灵的需要展开祂丰富的爱时,也是这样。{TDG 64.2}
Every one who is saved must surrender his own plans, his ambitious schemes, which mean self-glorification, and follow where Christ leads the way. The understanding must be yielded up to Christ, for Him to cleanse, and refine, and purify. This will always be done when a right reception is given to the teachings of the Lord Jesus. It is hard for self to die daily, even when the wondrous story of God’s grace is presented with the wealth of His love, which He unfolds to the soul’s necessity. {TDG 64.3}
我们是多么需要更亲密地认识主耶稣啊!我们需要了解祂的旨意,实现祂的计划,已全心全意地说:“主啊,您要我作什么?”我是多么地渴望见到我们各教会的情形与现在的大不相同啊!现在的情形是:它们那冷淡的宗教生活也就是不冷不热的生活,天天使圣灵担忧。基督说:“我巴不得你或冷或热。你既如温水,也不冷也不热,所以我必从我口中把你吐出去”(启3:15-16)。{TDG 64.3}
O how much we need a more intimate acquaintance with the Lord Jesus. We need to enter into His will and carry out His purposes, saying with the whole heart, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” O how I long to see our churches in a condition different from the condition in which they now are—grieving the Holy Spirit day by day with their lukewarm religious life, a life neither cold nor hot. Christ says, “I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15, 16). {TDG 64.4}
如果跟从基督的人都跟他们所自称自许的一样──是真正的基督徒,有基督的爱约束着他们,去到拜偶像的世人面前宣扬祂,表明那侍奉祂和不侍奉祂的人之间显著的分别,基督就会在不信的世人面前大得尊荣了。……我们要向别人述说基督的爱,而且为了要这样做,我们必须亲自从经验中体认到有这爱在心中的意义。如果大家都善于利用那临到他们的机会,他们就必有很多的机会从事工作了。(《信函》1903年35号,2月25日,致巴特尔克里克疗养院忠心的同工,多年担任护士长的霍尔姊妹){TDG 64.4}
O how greatly Christ would be honored and glorified before irreligious, worldly men and women if His followers were what they claim to be—true Christians, the love of Christ constraining them to make Him known before an idolatrous world, showing the marked contrast between those who serve God and those who serve Him not.... We are to tell others of the love of Christ, and in order to do this, we must know by experience what it means to have this love in the heart. All will find abundant opportunities to work if they will improve the opportunities that come to them.—Letter 35, February 25, 1903, to Sister L. M. Hall, a faithful co-worker and for many years matron of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. {TDG 64.5}
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