三月一日 唯一的保障
The Only Security, March 1
Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Exodus 31:13. {TDG 69.1}
每个人都要亲自寻求主。永恒就在摆我们的面前。你决不能让每一天白白过去,而不站在主的一边。难道你在世界历史最后的几幕中不愿意尽上帝要你尽的本份吗?{TDG 69.1}
Let every one seek the Lord for himself. Eternity is before us. You cannot afford to let another day pass without taking your position on the Lord’s side. Will you not act the part that God has appointed you to act in the closing scenes of this earth’s history? {TDG 69.2}
难以想象末世上帝子民的经历。那时,过去的灾祸与天体的荣耀交织在一起。他们要行走在发自上帝宝座的光辉之中。藉着天使,天地之间会有不断的交通。恶天使所拥护的撒但,自称是上帝,将施行各样的神迹,大肆欺骗,倘若可能,连选民也被迷惑了。上帝在子民不能依靠神迹奇事,因为撒但会模仿各样的神迹。经过考验的上帝子民,将在出31:12-18的证据中获得能力。他们要以“经上记着说”的永生之道作为自己的立场。这是他们唯一安全的基础。凡破坏了与上帝所立之约的人,那日在世上将没有上帝,没有指望。{TDG 69.2}
It is impossible to give any idea of the experience of the people of God who will be alive on the earth when past woes and celestial glory will be blended. They will walk in the light proceeding from the throne of God. By the means of the angels there will be constant communication between heaven and earth. And Satan, surrounded by evil angels, and claiming to be God, will work miracles of all kinds, to deceive, if possible, the very elect. God’s people will not find their safety in working miracles; for Satan would counterfeit any miracle that might be worked. God’s tried and tested people will find their power in the sign spoken of in Exodus 31:12-18. They are to take their stand on the living Word—“It is written.” This is the only foundation upon which they can stand securely. Those who have broken their covenant with God will in that day be without hope and without God in the world. {TDG 69.3}
敬拜上帝的人,会因他们对第四条诫命的重视而与众不同。因为这是上帝创造能力的标志,也是呼召世人敬畏与敬拜祂的见证。恶人的特征将是致力于拆毁创造主的纪念物,高抬罗马教的制度。在这个问题上,基督教界要分成两大阵营,一边是守上帝诫命与耶稣真道的,另一边是拜兽与兽像并受兽的印记的。……{TDG 69.3}
The worshipers of God will be especially distinguished by their regard for the fourth commandment—since this is the sign of His creative power, and the witness to His claim upon man’s reverence and homage. The wicked will be distinguished by their efforts to tear down the Creator’s memorial, to exalt the institution of Rome. In the issue of the contest, all Christendom will be divided into two great classes—those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and those who worship the beast and his image and receive his mark.... {TDG 69.4}
严峻的考验等待着上帝的子民。战争的精神在搅动着各国,从地这边到地的那边。但在即将来临的灾难之中,就是在有国以来不曾有过的大艰难时期(但12:1),上帝的选民却要巍然屹立,纹丝不动。撒但和他的使者不能毁灭他们。(《信函》1904年第19号,3月1日,致J.J.韦塞尔){TDG 69.4}
Fearful tests and trials await the people of God. The spirit of war is stirring the nations from one end of the earth to the other. But in the midst of the time of trouble that is coming—a time of trouble such as has not been since there was a nation—God’s chosen people will stand unmoved. Satan and his angels cannot destroy them; for angels that excel in strength will protect them.—Letter 119, March 1, 1904, to J. J. Wessells. {TDG 69.5}
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