三月二日 激发爱心
Provoke to Love, March 2
I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me. Psalm 39:1. {TDG 70.1}
我的孩子们啊,要警醒祷告,越来越小心你们的言语和行为。“总要警醒祷告,免得入了迷惑”(太26:41)。稍微让仇敌占一点便宜,也不是善策。我儿啊,你们要有君子的风度,这样就必加强你们在同工们身上的感化力。切莫轻率地发言。你们既是基督的代表,就当自重自守,不可发怒。如果我们藉着背负基督的轭来自尊自重,那么我们的感化力就必增加十倍了。{TDG 70.1}
My children, watch unto prayer, and become more and more careful in regard to your words and your deportment. “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). It is poor policy to give the enemy the slightest advantage. My son, be gentlemanly, and you will strengthen your influence over those with whom you work. Never speak unadvisedly. Let your respect for yourself as Christ’s representative keep you from giving way to anger. If we respect ourselves by wearing Christ’s yoke, we shall increase our influence tenfold. {TDG 70.2}
人性始终就是人性,可是藉着与神性的联合,它也可就能成为高尚而尊贵的。无论男女若与神圣的性情有分,就可以逃避那从世上因情欲而来的败坏。{TDG 70.2}
Human nature will continue to be human nature, but it can be elevated and ennobled by union with the divine nature. It is by partaking of the divine nature that men and women escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. {TDG 70.3}
真理必须予以实践,才可以在世上成为一种能力。一旦有真理存在心中,那么每天的生活经验就必显出基督恩典的约束力来。切莫拒绝真理,将它抛在外院。要让圣灵将它铭印在心灵上。……{TDG 70.3}
Truth must be practiced in order to be a power in the world. When truth abides in the heart, the daily experience is a revelation of the controlling power of Christ’s grace. Never keep the truth in the outer court. Let the Holy Spirit stamp it on the soul.... {TDG 70.4}
要尊敬上帝和祂所赎买的产业。当小心谨慎自己的举止态度,因为你们乃是基督的代表。要谨守自己的言语,并要为使罪人悔改相信而热诚地努力工作。要在祈祷中使心意升达上帝那里。如果有人对你们说不和善不正确的话,切不可失去自制的能力,。总要记得:“回答柔和,使怒消退”(箴15:1)。“治服己心的,强如取城”(箴16:32)。{TDG 70.4}
Reverence God and His purchased possession. Be careful of your manners, because you are Christ’s representative. Guard your words carefully, and labor earnestly for the conviction and conversion of sinners. Keep the heart uplifted to God in prayer. When unkind, untrue words are spoken to you, do not lose control of yourself. Remember that “a soft answer turneth away wrath” (Proverbs 15:1), and that he that rules his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city. {TDG 70.5}
真正的基督徒就是君子。那些满心自负自是的人,总以为自己有权讲说一些原是不说为妙的事。少说话而多做好事,一定会使他们成为一股为善的能力。上帝说:“要凭你的话定你为义,也要凭你的话定你有罪”(太12:37)。我们一切的言语行为,不论好歹,都要经过上帝的检查。这该是多么严肃的思想啊!{TDG 70.5}
A true Christian is a gentleman. Those who are filled with conceit think it their privilege to say many things that might better be left unsaid. Fewer words and more kind actions would make them a power for good. God declares, “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (Matthew 12:37). All our words and deeds, good and evil, are passing in review before God. How solemn the thought! {TDG 70.6}
上帝的圣言警告我们不可彼此激发怒气。但是,有一种“激发”却是合理的。保罗写道:“又要彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善”(来10:24)。(《信函》1903年38号,3月2日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 70.6}
The Word of God warns us not to provoke one another to wrath. But there is one kind of provoking that is justifiable. Paul writes: ... “I Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works” (Hebrews 10:24).—Letter 38, March 2, 1903, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 70.7}
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