三月三日 得蒙悦纳的志向
Acceptable Ambition, March 3
And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. Exodus 33:19. {TDG 71.1}
在这段话里,主希望给祂的子民一个教训,就是要他们有纯洁的品格,度圣洁的生活。祂希望他们彼此相待要表现仁慈怜悯、亲爱和善与恒久忍耐的品性,这样,祂的子民就可以证明“耶和华的律法全备,能苏醒人心”(诗19:7)。我们的心如果时常寻求并侍奉主,祂是乐意将祂自己显示给我们的。凡本着清洁的心侍奉祂的人,祂总是乐愿赐予最丰盛的福惠。我们只要敞开我们的心怀领受基督的教训,顺从祂的声音,祂就必成为我们的教师。……{TDG 71.1}
In this representation the Lord desired to teach the lesson that He requires in His people purity of character, holiness of life. He desires to see revealed in them toward each other the attributes of mercy and loving kindness and longsuffering, that His people may demonstrate that “the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” (Psalm 19:7). The Lord is ready to manifest Himself to us if our hearts are seeking and serving Him. It is ever His desire to impart the richest blessings to those who serve Him with a pure heart. Christ will be our teacher if we will open our hearts to His instruction and obey His voice.... {TDG 71.2}
主的旨意是要你发挥一种广大的为善感化力。你有没有下定决心要作一个坚定的基督徒?既然这样,就不能失败,也不可灰心。要使你的工作具有一种令人向上的感化力,这样,你就可以成为与上帝同工的了。主定意要我们众人都荣耀祂的圣名。{TDG 71.2}
It is the Lord’s will that you should exert a wide influence for good. Have you resolved to be a decided Christian? Then fail not nor be discouraged. Let your work have an uplifting influence, that you may be a laborer together with God. The Lord would have us all glorify His name. {TDG 71.3}
昨天夜里有重担落在我的身上,是关于所要完成的伟大工作的。这原是一种号召人们运用所有一切才能的工作。你难道不愿意善用你的才能,使你得以与耶稣基督有完美的联合吗?我们身为家长和教师的人,理应和那位神圣的“教师”合作。我们要努力促使男男女女恢复那曾经丧失的道德责任感。但愿每一位身为家长的人现在都与神圣的计划通力合作,这样就可以成为上帝的同工。{TDG 71.3}
Last night a heavy burden rested upon me in regard to the great work that is to be done. It is a work that calls for the exercise of all the capabilities that men possess. Will you not exercise your capabilities in a way that will bring you into perfect union with Jesus Christ? As parents and teachers we are to cooperate with the divine Teacher. We are to labor to restore to men and women the sense of moral obligation which has been lost. Let every parent now cooperate with the divine plan, and thus become laborers together with God. {TDG 71.4}
我们各式各样的才能,全都是属于上帝的。祂已经凭着恩赐祂的独生爱子,把我们买了来,因此凡感悟到自己对上帝有应尽义务的人,就必与神圣的宗旨合作。那班在这向世人传扬第三位天使信息工作上负责的人,应表示有坚决的志向要推进上帝的圣工。心、灵、与发言的能力都当奉献给祂专供圣用,这样他们就可能达到最高超的优越程度──就是与上帝的圣德相似。凡是上帝所恩赐给我们的每一项能力和品性,都要善加运用来提拔我们的同胞。我们如果克尽我们所能的,本着无私的精神去从事工作,主就必悦纳我们的服务。(《信函》1909年50号,3月3日,致一位私人开业医生){TDG 71.4}
All our varied capabilities belong to God. He has bought us by the gift of His only begotten Son, and those who have a sense of their obligation to God will cooperate with the divine purpose. Those who carry responsibilities in this work of giving the third angel’s message to the world are to show a determined purpose to advance the work of God. Heart and soul and voice are to be consecrated to Him that they may reach the highest degree of excellence—a likeness to the character of God. Every faculty, every attribute with which the Lord has endowed us is to be employed for the uplifting of our fellow men. If we will do our best, working with unselfish spirit, the Lord will accept our service.—Letter 50, March 3, 1909, to a physician in private practice. {TDG 71.5}
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