三月九日 遵从指导
Follow the Directions, March 9
Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. John 6:31. {TDG 77.1}
以色列人的教育包括他们的一切生活习惯。凡与他们的福利有关的事,都在上帝的牵挂之中,并列入上帝律法的范围。就是因为主希望他们要作祂的代表,所以祂才为他们预备了特别的菜单。他们在有关饮食方面,是受着严格禁制的。肉类的食用几乎全被禁止。全体民众都是要成为圣洁的,同时主也深悉采用肉食一定妨碍他们灵命的增长。祂藉着一个仁慈的神迹,拿天上的粮食来供养他们。所供给他们的这种食物,能增进他们的体力、智力和道德力。……上帝为他们所作选择的智慧,无可辩驳地得到了证实。他们在旷野的生活虽然艰难,各支派中却没有一个软弱的人。{TDG 77.1}
The education of the Israelites included all their habits of life. Everything that concerned their well-being was the subject of divine solicitude, and came within the province of divine law. It was because the Lord desired to make them His representatives that He provided them with a special bill of fare. They were placed under careful restrictions in regard to their diet. The use of flesh food was almost entirely prohibited. The people were to be holy, and the Lord knew that the use of flesh meat would be a hindrance to their advancement in spiritual life. By a miracle of mercy He fed them with the bread of heaven. The food provided for them was of a nature to promote physical, mental, and moral strength, and ... the wisdom of God’s choice for them was vindicated in a manner that they could not gainsay. Notwithstanding the hardships of their wilderness life, there was not a feeble one in all their tribes. {TDG 77.2}
如果让以色列人吃他们在埃及吃惯的食物,他们就会表现今日世界所表现的顽抗精神。今日人的饮食中有许多东西是上帝过去不让以色列人吃的。现在人类的状况说明:上帝若让以色列人吃埃及人的食物,随从埃及人的风俗习惯,将会有什么后果。{TDG 77.2}
If the Israelites had been given the diet to which they had been accustomed while in Egypt, they would have exhibited the unmanageable spirit that the world is exhibiting today. In the diet of men and women in this age there are included many things that the Lord would not have permitted the children of Israel to eat. The human family as it is today is an illustration of what the children of Israel would have been if God had allowed them to eat the food and follow the habits and customs of the Egyptians. {TDG 77.3}
以色列民旷野生活史实记载在历史上,原是为了直到末时所有属于上帝的以色列人的利益。那班流浪的群众在他们来回漂泊当中,在他们备受饥渴和疲惫的煎熬时,上帝是怎样地对待他们,还有祂为救助他们时所作神能的显著表现,这种种记录都充满了为祂现代子民的警告和指示。希伯来人所有的种种经验,正是为他们准备进入应许的家乡迦南地的一所训练学校。上帝希望祂现代的子民,本着谦卑的心和受教的精神,重温古代以色列民所经历的试炼,这样,他们就可以得到教训,好为自己进入天上的迦南早作准备。(《信函》1903年44号,3月9日,致悉尼疗养院经理伯登长老){TDG 77.3}
The history of the wilderness life of Israel was chronicled for the benefit of the Israel of God till the close of time. The record of God’s dealing with the wanderers in all their marchings to and fro, in their exposure to hunger, thirst, and weariness, and in the striking manifestations of His power for their relief, is fraught with warning and instruction for His people in this age. The varied experiences of the Hebrews was a school of preparation for their promised home in Canaan. God would have His people review in these days, with a humble heart and a teachable spirit, the trials through which ancient Israel passed, that they may be instructed in their preparation for the heavenly Canaan.—Letter 44, March 9, 1903, to Elder J. A. Burden, manager, Sydney Sanitarium {TDG 77.4}
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