三月十日 公义的法则
Rule of Righteousness, March 10
Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, ... make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:20, 21. {TDG 78.1}
你们聚集敬拜并寻求主的时候,应当存有一个目的,就是要荣耀那位所有要求都是公正平等的主。祂在祂的圣言中向你们所宣示的旨意,都当严格地实行出来。那表现在自称是祂子民生活上的公义法则,乃是使他们令人注意的。我们的生活为人,要专一地以荣耀上帝为念,总是力图在各方面作个名副其实的基督徒。{TDG 78.1}
When you come together for worship and to seek the Lord, it should be your one aim to honor Him whose requirements are all equal and just. His will, declared to you in His word, is to be carried out to the letter. The rule of righteousness revealed in the lives of His professing people is to make them conspicuous. We are to live with an eye single to the glory of God, ever seeking to be Christians in every sense of the word. {TDG 78.2}
以下的话都是我们的导师所说的:“你们要服在上帝的管辖之下。要学会怎样谐和一致。要相爱如弟兄;存慈怜谦卑的心。”上帝的命令都是公正一律的。祂的全体工作人员,都要当作是上帝的同工受到尊重。{TDG 78.2}
These words were spoken by our Instructor: “You are to be under the control of God. Learn how to harmonize. Love as brethren; be pitiful; be courteous. God’s commandments are just and equal. All His workers are to be honored as laborers together with God. {TDG 78.3}
“圣工的各个部门都当慎重地建立起来。从现在起,往后的责任必定迅速地增加。上帝的旨意,那全然公义的法则,要在你们的工作上表现出来。每天要与你们的上帝密切恳谈,倾听那向你们所说的话:‘你们要休息,要知道我是上帝’(诗46:10)。你们的责任既然随着这信息的进展一同增加,试探也必一同增加。既有工作的伟大重要性压在心灵上,就当在上帝的面前谦卑己心。要在工作上忠心克尽自己的本份,也要忠心承担你们个人将来在上帝面前交账的义务。上帝是不偏待人的。要知道行义的才是义人。单单口头上的表白并没有什么价值,而且惟有那按着正义而运用的知识才是有价值的。”{TDG 78.3}
“The varied interests of the work are to be built up with care. From this time onward responsibilities will rapidly increase. God’s will, the perfect rule of righteousness, is to be revealed in your work. Commune often every day with your God, and listen to the voice that says to you, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10). As your responsibilities increase with the advancement of the message, temptations will also increase. As the magnitude of the work presses itself upon the soul, humble your hearts before God. Act faithfully your part in the work, and stand faithfully in your individual accountability before God. God is no respecter of persons. He that doeth righteousness is righteous. A mere profession is of no value, and knowledge is of worth only as it is used righteously. {TDG 78.4}
我们的导师接着说:“不要抱怨,不要诉苦;不可贪心,不可争吵。”一旦遭受病苦,就当仰望那位大医师。你应当有喜乐,也应当在主面前自卑。人们由于放纵自私的精神,以致成为心地窄狭眼光短浅的了;因此他们就不能了解因果的关系。主的圣言要作为你们在一切事上的指南。“惟耶和华在祂的圣殿中。全地的人,都当在祂面前肃敬静默”(哈2:20)。……{TDG 78.4}
“Murmur not; repine not; covet not; quarrel not;” our Instructor continued. “When you are afflicted, look to the great Physician. You have need to rejoice, and to humble yourselves before the Lord. By indulging a selfish spirit, men become narrow and shortsighted; and then they fail to read from cause to effect. The Word of the Lord is to be your guide in all things. ‘The Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him’” (Habakkuk 2:20).... {TDG 78.5}
主目前正在号召凡蒙拣选担任祂工作的人,要团结一致同心合意地推进基督的圣工。(《信函》1907年112号,3月10日,致纳什维尔疗养院院长和南方联合会会长){TDG 78.5}
The Lord now calls upon the men chosen for His work to stand as one man for the advancement of the cause of Christ.—Letter 112, March 10, 1907, to the directors of the Nashville Sanitarium and the Southern Union Conference. {TDG 78.6}
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