三月十七日 才干是要运用的
Talents Are for Use, March 17
Whatever gift each of you may have received, use it in service to one another, like good stewards dispensing the grace of God in its varied forms. 1 Peter 4:10, N.E.B. {TDG 85.1}
上帝的恩赐,只因那些得蒙恩赐之人心灵中没有基督之爱的热忱,不知有多少竟被误用了。每一个人都极需要竭尽自己所能的。有一些人如果听任他们倚靠自己的能力去奋斗挣扎,他们就必善用所赐的才干了。可是他们却变成了钱财的努力,丧失了培养自己才能的动机,不藉着将自己所有的传授与人,因而得以竭尽他们所能的。过多的钱财已经把他们纵容坏了,以致不能忠心克尽管家的职责。{TDG 85.1}
How many of God’s gifts have been misused, because those to whom they were given did not have the fervor of the love of Christ in the soul. There is great need of each one doing his best. There are those who would have used wisely the talents given them, if they had been left to struggle and depend on their capabilities. But they became the possessors of means, and they lost the incentive to cultivate their talents, and make all possible of themselves by communicating what they had. An abundance of money has spoiled them for faithfully fulfilling their stewardship. {TDG 85.2}
但愿凡自称是基督徒的人,都聪明地处理主的财物。上帝正在为那借给你们的钱财和赐予你们的属灵利益开列一份清单。你们这些作管家的,自己要不要仔细地开列清单呢?你们要不要检点一下,自己是在节省地运用上帝所交给你们管理的一切,还是在为了炫耀而自私地浪费着主的财物?但愿那一切不必要的花费,都当作财宝积存在天上。{TDG 85.2}
Let all who claim to be Christians deal wisely with the Lord’s goods. God is making an inventory of the money lent you and the spiritual advantages given you. Will you as stewards make careful inventory? Will you examine whether you are using economically all that God has placed in your charge, or whether you are wasting the Lord’s goods by selfish outlay in order to make a display? Would that all that is spent needlessly, were laid up as treasure in heaven. {TDG 85.3}
上帝所赐给祂管家的,不仅是金钱;你们所分与人的才干也是一种恩赐。你们在言语方面,在亲切的同情方面,所传与人的是怎样的上帝的恩赐呢?你们是不是在听任自己的钱财流入敌人的行列中,去败坏那些你们力求使他们得到快乐的人呢?还有,真理的知识也是一种恩赐的才干。有许多在黑暗中的生灵,可能从你们所说忠诚真实的话语得到启导。有许多远离上帝,渴望同情而行将沦亡的心灵;你们的同情很可能救助他们。……{TDG 85.3}
God gives more than money to His stewards. Your talent of imparting is a gift. What are you communicating of the gifts of God in your words, in your tender sympathy? Are you allowing your money to go into the enemy’s ranks to ruin the ones you seek to please? Then again, the knowledge of the truth is a talent. There are many souls in darkness that might be enlightened by true, faithful words from you. There are hearts that are hungering for sympathy, perishing away from God. Your sympathy may help them.... {TDG 85.4}
一切基督徒所当做的首要工作,就是本着恳切的祈祷去查考圣经,好使他们具有那生发仁爱的信心,并得以洁净心灵,免除每一丝的自私。真理如果接受在心中了,它就必像好的酵素一样发生作用,直到每一项能力都顺服上帝的旨意。那时,你们就不能不发光,正像太阳不能不发光一样了。(《文稿》1898年42号,3月17日, “给各人当做的工” ){TDG 85.4}
The first work for all Christians to do is to search the Scriptures with most earnest prayer, that they may have that faith that works by love, and purifies the soul from every thread of selfishness. If the truth is received into the heart, it works like good leaven, until every power is brought into subjection to the will of God. Then you can no more help shining, than the sun can help shining.—Manuscript 42, March 17, 1898, “To Every Man His Work.” {TDG 85.5}
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