三月十八日 罪的价码
Price Tag of Sin, March 18
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time. Ecclesiastes 3:11. {TDG 86.1}
上帝要我们看出这个世界上的自然美。祂要我们注意这事,并要教导自己的儿女看出:这些都是上帝爱世人的表示。这里有声音向你们作父母的说话,使你们的心柔化驯服。要时常将这位创造天地、用碧茵覆盖世界,又赐给我们绿叶成荫的巍峨大树的主保持在你们眼前。可是世人不但不讲论到怎样去赞美创造这一切的上帝,反倒去谈说人所制造的东西,同时他们也想念自己的房屋有多么地美好,衣服是多么地美观华丽。这一切都需要花费时间和金钱,也意味着心灵。上帝曾经赐给我们金钱,我们原本可以用来荣耀祂。唉,如果幔子能够掀开;如果我们能够瞥见上帝那测不透的爱,那该多么好!我简直不敢提到这事;我简直不敢述说那保留着没有彰显的荣耀。为了谁呢?为了每一个曾经受过考验和试炼,而专一注意上帝的荣耀,和那一定忠于天上真理的人。世界的名誉、世界的光荣、和世界的赞赏,对我们来说全都是没有价值的。{TDG 86.1}
He [God] wants us to see the natural beauty in our world. He wants us to see this, and to educate our children to see that these are an expression of God’s love to man. Here is a voice speaking to you parents to soften and subdue your hearts. Keep ever before you the One that made heaven and earth, that clad the world with its green velvet carpet, that has given us the lofty trees and clad them in their green foliage. But instead of talking of the praise of the God that made all these, humanity talks of the things of human manufacture, and they think of their houses that are so beautiful and their dresses that are so richly adorned. All this takes time and money, and that means souls. God has given us money that we may expend it to His glory. Oh, if the curtain could be rolled back: if we could only get a sight of the love of God that passeth knowledge. I scarcely dare to touch it; I scarcely dare to mention the glory that is in reserve. For whom? Every soul that has been tested and tried and that has an eye single to the glory of God, that will be loyal to the truth of heaven. The world’s honor, the world’s glory, and the world’s applause are not worth anything to us. {TDG 86.2}
每一个相信耶稣基督为他个人救主的生灵,结果怎样呢?当时就有爱从上帝的心流向他的心。那时,这颗心有什么行动呢?它要转过来侍奉上帝,遵守祂的诫命,免得重蹈亚当和夏娃犯罪的覆辙。那是我们承当不起的。犯罪使我们担当不了。因为罪原是一种花费昂贵的事业。……{TDG 86.2}
Every soul that believes in Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, what then? Then the love flows from the heart of God to his heart. What does that heart do then? It turns to serve God and keep His commandments lest it will be found as Adam and Eve were after their transgression. We cannot afford that. We cannot afford to sin. Sin is an expensive business.... {TDG 86.3}
我们要进入那永恒之城的门。在那珍珠之门敞开的时候,我们要听到欢迎的声音。我们要有那不朽光荣的冠冕戴在我们的头上。我们要穿那天国织机所制成的衣袍,极其洁白,是地上漂布的没有一个能漂得那样洁白的;我们要看见那位大君王的荣美,瞻仰祂那无比的优雅风采。……我奉劝你们要将自己的财宝积存在天上。你们要把各种扰乱你们思想,以致你们不能辨别圣俗的东西除去。(《文稿》1894年20号,3月18日,“我们的天父对祂儿女的照顾”) {TDG 86.3}
We want to enter the gates of the eternal city. When the pearly gates are thrown back we want to hear the voice of welcome. We want to have the crown of immortal glory placed upon our brow. We want that robe that is woven in the loom of heaven, white as no fuller on earth can white it; we want to see the King in His beauty and behold His matchless charms.... I beg of you to lay up your treasures in heaven. Rid yourself of everything that will so confuse your mind that you will not be able to distinguish between the sacred and the common.—Manuscript 20, March 18, 1894, “Our Father’s Care for His Children.” {TDG 86.4}
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