一月七日 赏识应许
Appreciating the Promises, January 7
Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men. Ephesians 6:6, 7. {TDG 15.1}
但愿我们在一生的工作中不断地努力,以求符合基督的祈祷,好使我们彼此合而为一,也得以与祂合而为一。但愿我们在从事任何工作之前,先问问自己这个问题:“这事会得蒙我的救主喜悦吗?它是不是符合上帝的旨意?”那将基督的生活引用在日常经验中的意识,就必使每日的职责具有神圣的尊严。我们所作的一切,就必尽忠负责完成,主也可以因此得到荣耀。这样,我们就会向世人表明:基督教为有罪的人能有怎样的成就,既使他们在今生服务的效能上不断地长进,又使他们得以准备好在来世享受那更高尚的人生。(《文稿》1903年第1号,1月7日,“一个呼吁”){TDG 15.1}
Let us in our lifework strive constantly to answer the prayer of Christ, that we may be united with one another and with Him. Let us always before undertaking anything, ask ourselves the question, “Will this please my Saviour? Is it in harmony with the will of God?” The consciousness that we are bringing the Christ-life into the daily experience will give a sacred dignity to the everyday duties. All that we do will be done with faithfulness, that the Master may be honored. Thus shall we show to the world what Christianity can accomplish for sinful human beings, giving them constantly increasing efficiency for service in this life, preparing them for the higher life in the world to come.—Manuscript 1, January 7, 1903, “An Appeal.” {TDG 15.2}
我赞美主。今天早晨我一直睡到四点钟。夜里也没有像平常一样醒过。这对我来说真是大福,实在感谢不尽。我心上一直负着重担,因为想到上帝子民的属灵情况,远不如他们享有的特权。我醒来躺着,祈求天上的救主来帮助我们,兴起担负一个果断中肯信息的信使们。“祢的道就是真理”(约17:17)。我渴望能有体力和能力,得蒙圣灵的感动,使心里所充满的,口就说了出来。{TDG 15.2}
I praise the Lord. This morning I slept until four o’clock. There was not the usual awakening through the night. This is a great blessing to me, for which I am thankful. I have been carrying a heavy burden so long as I consider the spiritual condition of the people of God, moving so far below their privilege. I lie awake pleading with my heavenly Saviour to come to our help and raise up messengers that shall bear a message decidedly to the point. “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17). I long for physical strength and power that out of the abundance of the heart moved by the Holy Spirit the mouth may speak. {TDG 15.3}
我常常在夜间的异像中,向一大群的人讲话,并用强烈的要求一再地恳劝我面前的会众,“你们若真与基督一同复活,就当求在上面的事;那里有基督坐在上帝的右边。你们要思念上面的事,不要思念地上的事。因为你们已经死了,你们的生命与基督一同藏在上帝里面。基督是我们的生命,祂显现的时候,你们也要与祂一同显现在荣耀里”(西3:1-4)。{TDG 15.3}
Oft in the vision of the night I am speaking to large companies and in strong appeals I am repeatedly urging upon the companies before me, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:1-4). {TDG 15.4}
提供给我们的是多么丰富的应许啊!因此我们就当表明我们赏识这些应许,竭尽全力地认真工作,并为具有这样的保证存心感谢。我们应当显明自己是在不断追求属天的事;这对于我们自己,和凡与我们共同向众人工作的人,都是有益的。” (《文稿》1905年173号,1月7日,日记){TDG 15.4}
What a rich promise is this presented to us! Let us then show that we appreciate these promises and work to the point to be fully in earnest and to be thankful for such assurance. It is for our good and the good of all with whom we shall associate in all our public labors that we shall reveal that we are seeking those things that are above.—Manuscript 173, January 7, 1905, diary. {TDG 15.5}
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