三月二十一日 悔改,认罪与合作
Contrition, Confession, Cooperation, March 21
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9. {TDG 89.1}
仇敌的试探是一定会来到的;可是我们难道竟从最严格的正直原则方面作些微的让步,因此使他得占优势,来拆毁一切的屏障吗?我们只要稍微让步,他就必接二连三地试探,直到我们完全地违犯上帝的圣言,而去随从撒但的心志和意愿。撒但和他的恶使者集团总是机警地注意着要用什么方法,好陷害毁灭那些投身以马内利大君血染旌旗之下的生灵。你在一段时期内固然跑得很好,你也尝过并且看出主是美好的;但你一旦陷在罪里,那你就行走在黑暗中了:什么时候你屈从了试探,那你一定是停止没有仰望那位为你信心创始成终的耶稣。可是,你既然认罪,就当相信上帝的圣言必不至落空,因为那位立下应许的主原是信实的。你正像有义务要承认自己的罪一样,也有义务要相信上帝必定成全祂的诺言,饶恕你的罪过。你务要运用你对于上帝的信心,相信祂一定完全地实行祂在祂圣言中所作的应许,赦免你一切的罪愆过犯。{TDG 89.1}
The temptations of the enemy will come; but shall we give him the advantage to break down all the barriers, by yielding one iota from the strictest principles of integrity? If we yield in the least, he will follow one temptation with another, until we shall go directly contrary to the plainest statements of the Word of God, and follow the mind and will of Satan. Satan and his confederacy of evil angels are ever on the alert to see by what means they may ensnare and ruin souls who have enlisted under the blood-stained banner of Prince Immanuel. You did run well for a season, you did taste and see that the Lord is good; but when you fell into sin, you walked in darkness. When you yielded to temptation, you must have ceased to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. But, having confessed your sins, believe that the Word of God cannot fail, but that He is faithful that hath promised. It is just as much your duty to believe that God will fulfil His word, and forgive your sins, as it is your duty to confess your sins. You must exercise faith in God as in one who will do exactly as He has promised in His Word, and pardon all your transgressions. {TDG 89.2}
我们怎样可以知道:主的确是我们赦罪的救赎主,并且证实那在祂里面为我们所有的福惠、恩典和慈爱呢?我们必须本着悔罪与服从的精神,毫不怀疑地绝对相信祂的话,不需要去时时悲哀,常常悔恨,老是置身在定罪受罚的愁云惨雾之下。要相信上帝的圣言,时常仰望耶稣,凝思祂的美德和慈怜,这样,心里就必生发出一种对邪恶事物极其痛恨的感觉来。于是你就必列身在那班饥渴慕义的人中间了。然而我们越加亲切地认识耶稣,就必越加清楚地看出自己品格的毛病来。{TDG 89.2}
How may we know that the Lord is indeed our sin-pardoning Redeemer, and prove what is the blessedness, the grace, the love there is in Him for us? O, we must believe His word implicitly, with contrite and submissive spirit! There is no need to go mourning and ever repenting, and under a cloud of continual condemnation. Believe the Word of God, keep looking unto Jesus, dwelling upon His virtues and mercies, and there will be created in the heart an utter abhorrence of that which is evil. You will be among those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. But the more closely we discern Jesus, the more clearly we shall see our own defects of character. {TDG 89.3}
我们既然看出自己的缺点,就当向耶稣承认出来,并且本着真正悔改的心,与圣灵的神能合作,去胜过一切的邪恶。如果我们承认自己的罪,就一定要相信这些罪都已经得蒙饶赦了,因为那应许原是绝对确实的.(《评论与通讯》1912年3月21日) {TDG 89.3}
As we see our failings, let us confess them to Jesus, and, with true contrition of soul, cooperate with the divine power of the Holy Spirit to overcome all evil. If we confess our sins, we must believe that they are pardoned, because the promise is positive.—The Review and Herald, March 21, 1912. {TDG 89.4}
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