四月四日 难以形容的荣耀
Indescribable Glory, April 4
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him. Isaiah 64:4. {TDG 103.1}
(这是怀爱伦给斯图尔特夫人的回信;斯图尔特夫人是一位画家,她要求怀爱伦描绘新耶路撒冷。)你表示希望我描绘新耶路撒冷的事物。我坚决地拒绝作这一类的事。我的能力不适宜于作这事,连探讨一下也不合适,所以我也劝你不要作任何的尝试,来作一番特别的描写,给人留下印像以为这就是新耶路撒冷的情形。其实那最动人的有关新耶路撒冷的描写,也只不过是……一种描述它的尝试而已。{TDG 103.1}
You* express a desire for me to describe things concerning the New Jerusalem. I positively decline to do anything of the kind. My powers would be inadequate to do this or even make an approach to it, and I advise you not to make any attempt to have a particular representation which will carry the impression that it is the representation of the New Jerusalem. The most eloquent representation of the New Jerusalem is but ... [an] attempt to present it. {TDG 103.2}
任何人若要论到那将来还没有见到的世界,最好是引用保罗的话,来形容它那还没有透露的荣耀:“上帝为爱祂的人所预备的,是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到的”(林前2:9)。我觉得有好些人论到神圣的事物,好像他们的能力虽然有限,却仍足能了解那些事物似的。……{TDG 103.2}
Anyone who is dealing with the future unseen world may best describe its untold glories by quoting the words of Paul, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). I feel that many approach sacred things as though their finite powers were capable of taking them in.... {TDG 103.3}
既然有这么多的人以不圣洁的脚践踏圣地,我们就连去向他们述说有关神圣和永恒的事物,也要非常地小心谨慎,因为有限的和世俗的见解,会和圣洁神圣的混合起来。世人想尝试用他所禀赋的与培养出来的种种能力,来描述某些属天的事物,而结果他竟将整个的事都弄得大错特错了。{TDG 103.3}
There is so large a number that tread on holy ground with unsanctified feet that we are very cautious, even in statements that we present to them in regard to sacred and eternal things, because finite and common ideas become mixed with the holy and sacred. Man may try with his entrusted and cultivated powers to represent something of heaven and he will make a blunder of the whole thing. {TDG 103.4}
以你这身为画家的能力,企图了解那未见之世界的事物,即使竭尽所能的,也必累极昏晕而疲惫不堪,可是仍然有着永恒是力所不能及的。既有了以上的这些说明,你就必定原谅我并没有为你尝试,将任何有关那位“艺术大师”的作品描绘在你的面前了。{TDG 103.4}
Your power as an artist will, when stretched to its utmost capacity fall down faint and weary in seeking to take in the things of the unseen world, and yet there is an eternity beyond. With these statements you will excuse me from attempting to portray before you anything concerning the works of the great Master Artist. {TDG 103.5}
但愿人们的想像力都使用到最高的极致,默想那新耶路撒冷的荣耀,纵然这样,他们也不过仅仅到达那为忠心得胜者所将要获得的“极重无比永远的荣耀”的边缘罢了。脱下你的鞋子吧!因为你所站之地是圣的。这就是我对于你的问题所能提供的最好答案。(《信函》1889年54号,4月4日,致斯图尔特姊妹”){TDG 103.5}
Let the imaginations of the people be on the highest stretch to contemplate the glories of the New Jerusalem and yet they have but just entered upon the borders of the eternal weight of glory that shall be realized by the faithful overcomer. Put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the ground whereon thou standeth is holy. This is the very best answer I can give to your question.—Letter 54, April 4, 1886, to Sister Stewart. {TDG 103.6}
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