8月18日 不合真理的谬道
Unsound Doctrine, August 18
For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12.{RRe 232.1}[1]
凡不愿意接受圣经中简明而锐利之真理的人,一直想寻找一些足以镇抚良心的悦耳的教训。人所传的道理越不属灵,不需要克己,不需要自卑,便越能得到众人的赞同。这些人竟降低自己的智能,去迎合自己的情欲。他们既然过于聪明自负,就不肯存痛悔的心去查考圣经,不肯恳切祈求上帝的指导,他们便没有什么抵御迷惑的保障了。撒但随时准备要满足人心的欲望,并提供他的欺骗来代替真理。……凡忽视上帝的圣言而只考虑到自己的方便与利益,以便迎合世俗之要求的人,必被上帝遗弃,任凭他们去接受异端邪说作为宗教的真理。凡故意拒绝真理的人,将要接受种种希奇古怪的谬论。有人或许厌恶某一种骗人的事,同时却欣然接受另一种骗人的事。使徒保罗说,有一等人“不领受爱真理的心,使他们得救,”“故此,上帝就给他们一个生发错误的心,叫他们信从虚谎;使一切不信真理,倒喜爱不义的人,都被定罪”(帖后2:10-12)。我们既有这样的警告摆在面前,就应当慎重考虑自己所接受的是什么道理。(GC 523)[2]
Those who are unwilling to accept the plain, cutting truths of the Bible, are continually seeking for pleasing fables that will quiet the conscience. The less spiritual, self-denying, and humiliating the doctrines presented, the greater the favor with which they are received. These persons degrade the intellectual powers to serve their carnal desires. Too wise in their own conceit to search the Scriptures with contrition of soul and earnest prayer for divine guidance, they have no shield from delusion. Satan is ready to supply the heart’s desire, and he palms off his deceptions in the place of truth.... All who neglect the word of God to study convenience and policy, that they may not be at variance with the world, will be left to receive damnable heresy for religious truth. Every conceivable form of error will be accepted by those who wilfully reject the truth. He who looks with horror upon one deception will readily receive another. The apostle Paul, speaking of a class who “received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved,” declares, “For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” With such a warning before us, it behooves us to be on our guard as to what doctrines we receive.—The Great Controversy, 523, 524.{RRe 232.2}[2]
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