11月6日 上帝的管教是一种福惠
God’s Chastening a Blessing, November 6
He Will Chasten in Love
Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy law.Psalm 94:12.{WGD 312.1}[1]
我们若靠自己,就不能使自己的意志,欲望与倾向符合上帝的旨意;但如果我们愿意上帝给我们这种心情,救主就必为我们成就一切,“将各样的计谋,各样拦阻人认识上帝的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使他都顺服基督”(林后10:5)。人若想建立一个坚强匀称的品格,并作一个稳固均衡基督徒,他就必为基督的缘故奉献一切并作到一切;因为救赎主绝不接受分心的服务。他必须天天学习献身与主的意义。他必须研究上帝的圣言,领会其中的精义,并遵守其中的训诲。……上帝要天天与他同工,为他造就一个经得起最后考验的品格。所以一个真的信徒必要天天在世人和天使面前进行一种伟大的实验,证明福音能为堕落的人类成就何等的大事。(AA 482、483)[2]
Of ourselves, we are not able to bring the purposes and desires and inclinations into harmony with the will of God; but if we are “willing to be made willing,” the Saviour will accomplish this for us, “casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” He who would build up a strong, symmetrical character, he who would be a well-balanced Christian, must give all and do all for Christ; for the Redeemer will not accept divided service. Daily he must learn the meaning of self-surrender. He must study the Word of God, learning its meaning and obeying its precepts.... Day by day God works with him, perfecting the character that is to stand in the time of final test. And day by day the believer is working out before men and angels a sublime experiment, showing what the gospel can do for fallen human beings.—The Acts of the Apostles, 482, 483.{WGD 312.2}[2]
可是在患难临头时,我们中有多少人像雅各一样啊!我们把患难看作是仇敌的手,就在黑暗中盲目搏斗,直至精疲力尽,仍得不到安慰和拯救。……上帝不愿意我们永远默默地被忧伤所压制,而悲痛欲绝。祂希望我们举目仰望祂可爱的慈颜。赐福的救主正站在许多泪眼模糊,看不清祂面容的人身边。祂甚愿握住我们的手,希望我们怀着单纯的信心仰望祂,接受祂的引导。祂同情我们的悲伤,忧愁和试炼。(MB 12)[3]
But when tribulation comes upon us, how many of us are like Jacob! We think it the hand of an enemy; and in the darkness we wrestle blindly until our strength is spent, and we find no comfort or deliverance.... God would not have us remain pressed down by dumb sorrow, with sore and breaking hearts. He would have us look up, and behold His dear face of love. The blessed Saviour stands by many whose eyes are so blinded by tears that they do not discern Him. He longs to clasp our hands, to have us look to Him in simple faith, permitting Him to guide us. His heart is open to our griefs, our sorrows, and our trials.—Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 11, 12.{WGD 312.3}[3]
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