4月10日 谦卑的心
With Humble Hearts, April 10
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.Isaiah 57:15.{YRP 109.1}[1]
凡存着谦卑求问之心,愿意来寻求上帝之道的指导,决心了解救恩条件的人,都会明白圣经所说的。但那些把一种圣经所不赞同的精神带入圣经研究的人,却会从查考圣经带走一种圣经所没有给予的精神。主不会对漠不关心的人说话。祂不把自己的教训浪费在甘愿不敬或被玷污的人身上。但那试探人的却教育每一个屈从于他的暗示,乐意使上帝的圣洁律法无效的人。{YRP 109.1}[2]
All who will come to the Word of God for guidance, with humble, inquiring minds, determined to know the terms of salvation, will understand what saith the Scriptures. But those who bring to the investigation of the Word a spirit which it does not approve will take away from the search a spirit which it has not imparted. The Lord will not speak to a mind that is unconcerned. He wastes not His instruction on one who is willingly irreverent or polluted. But the tempter educates every mind that yields itself to his suggestions, and is willing to make of none effect God’s holy law.{YRP 109.2}[2]
我们需要谦卑己心,真诚而恭敬地查考生命之道;因为惟有谦卑痛悔的心才能看到亮光。心思意念与灵魂都必须预备好接受光。心灵必须安静。必须将所有的心意夺回,使之顺服耶稣基督。夸耀自我认知和自我满足,在上帝的道面前都必须受责备。{YRP 109.2}[3]
We need to humble our hearts, and with sincerity and reverence search the Word of life; for that mind alone that is humble and contrite can see light. The heart, the mind, the soul, must be prepared to receive light. There must be silence in the soul. The thoughts must be brought into captivity to Jesus Christ. The boastful self-knowledge and self-sufficiency must stand rebuked in the presence of the Word of God.{YRP 109.3}[3]
主对那在祂面前谦卑己心的人说话。在祈祷的祭坛上,信心接触施恩宝座的时候,我们就会从上帝手中领受天上的火炬,照亮我们的黑暗,并使我们确信自己属灵的需要。圣灵将属上帝的事向真心寻求天上珍宝的人显明。我们若顺服祂的带领,祂就带我们进入完全光明之境。我们注视基督的荣耀,就转变成祂的形像。我们有了那种生发仁爱、洁净心灵的信心。我们的心更新了,便在每件事上都乐意顺服上帝。(RH.1896.12.15){YRP 109.3}[4]
The Lord speaks to the heart that humbles itself before Him. At the altar of prayer, as the throne of grace is touched by faith, we receive from the hand of God that celestial torch which enlightens our darkness, and convinces us of our spiritual necessity. The Holy Spirit takes of the things of God, and reveals them to the one who is sincerely seeking for the heavenly treasure. If we yield to His guidance, He leads us into all light. As we behold the glory of Christ, we become changed into His image. We have that faith which works by love, and purifies the soul. Our hearts are renewed, and we are made willing to obey God in all things.—The Review and Herald, December 15, 1896.{YRP 109.4}[4]
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