4月14日 信靠上帝的启示
Trusting in His Illumination, April 14
Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.Psalm 119:34.{YRP 113.1}[1]
在启示的领域遍布着天上真理、平安和喜乐的泉源。这些喜乐的泉源是每一个寻求者可以找到的。上帝默示的话语,常在心中深思,就会成为从生命水的河流出的活水的江河。我们的救主曾祈求使祂门徒的心得到开导,好明白圣经。每当我们用祷告的心研读圣经,圣灵便会就近我们,向我们解开我们所读经文的意思。心智已蒙上帝的道开导的人,会不仅觉得自己必须更加殷勤地追求明白那道,而且必须更加了解自然科学。他会感受到在基督耶稣里的崇高恩召。{YRP 113.1}[2]
All over the field of revelation are scattered glad springs of heavenly truth, peace, and joy. These fountains of joy are within the reach of every seeker. The words of Inspiration, pondered in the heart, will be as living streams flowing from the river of the water of life. Our Saviour prayed that the mind of His followers might be opened to understand the Scriptures. Whenever we study the Bible with a prayerful heart, the Holy Spirit is near to open to us the meaning of the words we read. The man whose mind is enlightened by the opening of God’s Word to his understanding will not only feel that he must more diligently seek to understand that Word, but that he must have a better understanding of the sciences. He will feel that he is called to a high calling in Christ Jesus.{YRP 113.2}[2]
人越与一切知识和智慧之源密切接触,就越会觉得自己必须在智力和属灵的造诣上进步。上帝的话一解开,总是会显著地启发和加强人的才能;因为上帝的话语一解开,就发出亮光。通过默想伟大的真理,心思就被提升,情感得到净化而文雅;因为上帝的灵藉着上帝的真理,使无生气的属灵机能复苏,吸引人心向往天国。{YRP 113.2}[3]
The more closely connected man is with the Source of all knowledge and wisdom, the more he will feel that he must advance in intellectual and spiritual attainments. The opening of God’s Word is always followed by a remarkable opening and strengthening of man’s faculties; for the entrance of His words giveth light. By contemplation of great truths, the mind is elevated, the affections purified and refined; for the Spirit of God, through the truth of God, quickens the lifeless spiritual faculties, and attracts the soul heavenward.{YRP 113.3}[3]
那么就带着你的圣经来到天父面前吧,说:“请光照我;教导我何为真理。”主必重视你的祷告,圣灵就会把真理铭刻在你心灵上。你亲自查考圣经,就会在信仰上坚定起来。不断地查考圣经,将上帝的真理存记在心是最重要的。你也许会与基督徒的团体分离,置身于不能与上帝的儿女相聚的地方。你必须将上帝圣言的珍宝藏在心里,以便当反对临到你时,你就可以用圣经检验每一件事。(BE.1892.10.15){YRP 113.3}[4]
Then take your Bible and present yourself before your heavenly Father, saying, “Enlighten me; teach me what is truth.” The Lord will regard your prayer, and the Holy Spirit will impress the truth upon your soul. In searching the Scriptures for yourself, you will become established in the faith. It is of the greatest importance that you continually search the Scriptures, storing the mind with the truths of God. You may be separated from the companionship of Christians, and placed where you will not have the privilege of meeting with the children of God. You need the treasures of God’s Word hidden in your heart, that when opposition comes upon you, you may bring everything to the test of the Scriptures.—The Bible Echo, October 15, 1892.{YRP 113.4}[4]
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