5月8日 协助母亲引导孩子
Beside Mothers Leading Their Little Ones, May 8
For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord.1 Samuel 1:27, 28.{YRP 137.1}[1]
基督徒母亲们应当认识到自己在教养孩子能反映基督品格时乃是上帝的同工。她们在这项工作中必有天使合作;但这项工作竟然可悲地遭到了忽视,因此就抢夺了基督的产业——祂家中的年幼成员。然而藉着圣灵的内住,人类可以与上帝同工。{YRP 137.1}[2]
Christian mothers should realize that they are co-workers with God when training and disciplining their children in such a manner as will enable them to reflect the character of Christ. In this work they will have the cooperation of heavenly angels; but it is a work that is sadly neglected, and for this reason Christ is robbed of His heritage—the younger members of His family. But through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, humanity may be a co-worker with divinity.{YRP 137.2}[2]
关于基督接待儿童的教训,应该更深地铭刻在我们心中。基督的话鼓励父母们把自己的小孩带到耶稣面前来。他们或许任性不羁,具有人类共有的性情,但这不应阻止我们把他们带到基督面前。祂曾祝福有性情的孩童,如同己出。{YRP 137.2}[3]
The lessons of Christ upon the occasion of receiving the children, should leave a deeper impression upon our minds. The words of Christ encourage parents to bring their little ones to Jesus. They may be wayward, and possess passions like those of humanity, but this should not deter us from bringing them to Christ. He blessed children that were possessed of passions like His own.{YRP 137.3}[3]
我们在教养自己的孩子上常犯错误。父母们常常纵容自己的孩子,让他们沉迷于自私和败德的事,不但不为他们的得救费心,反而任他们随波逐流,成长为乖张任性不可爱的人。他们没有接受上帝所赐的责任,为了荣耀上帝而教育和训练自己的儿女。他们开始不满意自己儿女的态度,而当他们认识到儿女的错误乃是他们自己疏忽职守的结果时,就灰心泄气了。{YRP 137.3}[4]
We often err in training our children. Parents often indulge their children in that which is selfish and demoralizing, and, instead of having travail of soul for their salvation, they let them drift along, and grow up with perverse tempers and unlovely characters. They do not accept their God-given responsibility to educate and train their children for the glory of God. They become dissatisfied with their children’s manners, and disheartened as they realize that their faults are the result of their own neglect, and then they become discouraged.{YRP 137.4}[4]
然而父母们如果感到自己绝不能放下为上帝教育训练自己儿女的责任,他们若是凭着信心从事他们的工作,藉着诚恳的祈祷和努力而与上帝合作,就能成功地引导儿女归向救主。要让父母们在孩子出生之前就将自己的灵与魂与身子都奉献给上帝。(ST.1896.4.9){YRP 137.4}[5]
But if parents would feel that they are never released from their burden of educating and training their children for God, if they would do their work in faith, cooperating with God by earnest prayer and work, they would be successful in bringing their children to the Saviour. Let fathers and mothers devote themselves, soul, body, and spirit, to God before the birth of their children.—The Signs of the Times, April 9, 1896.{YRP 137.5}[5]
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